How do I add parents for a person who already has a profile on another person's tree but who is also in my tree.

+1 vote
Frances Flacke baptised 1637 Horseheath Cambridgeshire
WikiTree profile: Frances Flacke
in Genealogy Help by Maureen Evans G2G Crew (430 points)

2 Answers

+7 votes
The profile is open, so in theory you can add anything you can support with documentation (assuming you've passed the pre-1700 test), but since there's an active manager and Wikitree is all about collaboration, you should start either by adding your information and sources as a comment on the profile or by sending a message to the PM with the information.  If you click on the "Privacy" tab you can also ask to be added to the trusted list.
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (997k points)
+6 votes
Do remember that Wikitree functions as a single, collaborative family tree, there is no such thing as "your tree" and "my tree".

If you've found an lready exisiting profile for part of the tree that you are working on, you can link that profile to the line you are working on and then continue from there.

Make sure to not create duplicated profiles for the same individuals, and if you do happen to, me sure to initiate a merge.
by Kaitlyn Emmett G2G6 Mach 4 (43.3k points)

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