How do I remove a photo from a profile

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How do I remove a photo from a profile

Bruce Donaldson  Donaldson-1027
WikiTree profile: Bruce Donaldson
in WikiTree Tech by Bruce Donaldson G2G6 Mach 1 (19.0k points)

Hi Bruce. Have a look at the following Help page section. Do come back and comment on your question on its web page if you get stuck.

Hi again Bruce. Note that removing a photo is not done from the profile itself, but from the separate edit page associated with the photo, accessed by clicking on the photo where it appears on the profile.

You need to scroll down on that page to where it says, on the left side, "People & Things in the Image:", select "REMOVE from image" for the relevant profile, and use the Save button at the bottom.

The relevant part of the instructions on the page I cited above is:

To remove the photo from the profile, click on the photo. This will open the Photo Edit page. On the left side of the page, where it says "People, Places & Things in the Photo," select "REMOVE" next to the appropriate name(s), then click "Save Changes to Photo Info" at the bottom of the page.

Thanks  Jim , You are a wonderful W.Ter . Many thanks. Bruce.

Here's a picture showing the "REMOVE from image" radio button (highlighted in a red box I've added to the screenshot). You need to select the radio button like that next to the relevant profile line before using the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of part of photo edit page showing "REMOVE from image" radio button.

If you're not seeing this, Bruce, perhaps there is a privacy issue. Is this a photo you uploaded yourself on a profile you manage?

Please reply by comments on this G2G question web page.

Hi Jim,  Thanks for the S/shot.  No I am not seeing this on my screen. Yes the photo is one I  uploaded on a profile I manage . I guess  this means I have to change the privacy level . Would that be the correct thing to do ?   

Thanks Jim for your patience with me.  Kindness always.  Bruce   Donaldson-1027
Bruce, it's hard for us to tell what's happening if the image is privacy-locked. Your idea of changing that may be a way forward. Can you additionally use the same photo on a different profile which has Open or Public privacy? That would unlock it, I think.

That will however mean that other people will be able to see the image, which may not be what you want. However, if that's not a problem, it may allow us to provide better advice, or may even make it easier for you to remove the image from the original profile yourself.
Hi Jim,  Thanks for your latest guidance. Yes I have changed the privacy levels and have had success. Your assistance and support has been most valued and much appreciated. Many thanks.  Bruce Donaldson

Great to hear, Bruce! I'm glad it's sorted out now.

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