52 Ancestors Week 24: Last One Standing

+13 votes

From Amy Johnson Crow: Week 24

The theme for Week 24 is "Last One Standing." My thought with this theme was there are some ancestors that we research, and we feel like we are the only one researching them. (Or maybe I'm the only one who has felt that way!) Of course, feel free to interpret the theme however you'd like!

This week's theme makes it seem like a WWE Pay Per View Event.  Let's get ready to rumble!

in The Tree House by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (880k points)
For this week, I was standing on my own. But now I'm not alone: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2023/06/52-ancestors-week-24-last-one-standing.html

Not my ancestor, but of the four Gibb brothers (three of whom made up the Bee Gees), Barry has termed himself as the "last one standing" - and he's who came to mind when I read your this week's prompt.  (I'd link Barry's profile, but it's still black locked, so here's his Wikipedia page instead.)

5 Answers

+14 votes

Well, Chris, I immediately thought of me, without siblings or children and with my parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles deceased.  I'm the last one of my little family.  I seemed to know this at an early age.  Here I am years ago studying extinction. http://wikitree.com/wiki/Miller-55843.

by Pat Miller G2G6 Pilot (266k points)
Pat, you know I can certainly relate to being the only child and not having any living ancestors. I do have three adult granddaughters, and all three say that they will likely not have children—so I am right there with you.

Thank you for sharing another of your wonderful photos.
Thank you, Alexis.  We are both doing what we can with our remaining time to add to the collective family tree.  I may be the last of my little branch but the mighty tree keeps growing so perhaps that is at the heart of my attraction to WikiTree.
+10 votes

I nominate G Aunt Dorothy (Purdy) Brown.  She outlived her parents and all her siblings, passing peacefully at age 102.

by Dorothy O'Hare G2G6 Mach 9 (92.6k points)
+10 votes

I am the first and the last of my generation with the name Bedwell.

My father was born with the name Aitchison but was later adopted by a man named Bedwell. So, when my father married and I was born, I had the name, Bedwell. I only had two daughters as children and they have both married and have different last names. My brother, also a Bedwell, never had any children of his own, but only adopted children. My only sister has married and so her Bedwell name is long gone, too.

So, no bloodline Bedwells before me and none after me. I am a generation of one!

As of this time (2023) I am the oldest living member of my immediate family. That includes siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles. Both my parents are deceased.

I am the last man standing!!!


by Tom Bedwell G2G2 (2.2k points)
+6 votes

My first thought was: "The youngest", in German "der/die jüngste". So I looked for the name "Jüngst". Because the search engine does not discern between usual vocal and German umlaut, I got in the Unconnected list the profile of Christine (Jungst) Lotz. Her granddaughter is Laverne (Lotz) Maler. From Laverne I started the connection trail. First I created her husband, The connection path went on to his aunt by marriage and her maternal aunt, who was already in the database and is connected.

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
+8 votes

This is a 1945 photo of Jim and Ruth Bates. Jim was an officer on the USS Pennsylvania during WWII. Jim lived to be 100, and he was the last living officer on the ship. Ruth, who lived to be 99, would often refer to her husband as "The Last Man Standing." This photo was taken when they were married. 

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (928k points)
What a handsome couple.  Lovely profiles, Alexis.
Pat, thank you for your comment. Both of them had remarkable memories about WWII, and they were a joy to spend time with.

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