what setting to use so only I can edit my tree?

+2 votes
in Genealogy Help by Diane Pilon G2G Rookie (190 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Hi Diane, Only people that you add to your "Trusted List" can edit profiles, and only those profiles that they are added to, so if you add someone to one profile's trusted list, it doesn't give them access to any other of your profiles. The only exception are profiles of people born before 1600, who are considered 'historically significant', and everyone who shares these ancestors is welcome to collaborate, as the privacy levels are "Open".

It's important, though to be willing to collaborate on your shared ancestors with other users, merging duplicate profiles, and working together toward WikiTree's mission of creating one worldwide collaborative family tree!
by Tami Mize G2G6 Mach 4 (43.0k points)
I just wanted to add that it's now anyone born 200+ years ago (so currently 1813) that is required to be Open.
0 votes

For living people, such as your own Profile, you might want to view the Privacy settings  at


Private  Private is the default setting for profiles of living people.

The public can still see certain limited information on a Private profile. Like being listed in a phone book, this enables others to find it.

When editing a profile you can tell at a glance whether a particular piece of information is private with the following colored icons.

Private information

Red icons mean the information can only be viewed by the Trusted List.

This includes Gender, Formal First Name, Nicknames, and family relationships such as Spouses, Siblings, and Children, as well as the Personal Memories section.

The Biography (body of the page) and Parents (family tree) are private by default but can be changed to be public.

by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (914k points)

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