I can add a 1st wife to the profile of Samuel Taylor Sr. This is who I can add: Elizabeth Wright-62984 was born in 1702 in Hardshaw, Lancashire, England to John Wright and Patience Gibson (I will also add their profiles). She arrived in 1714 with her family at Chaddishead, Chester County, Pennsylvania. She married Samuel Taylor in 1728 at Wrightsville (later Colombia), Chester (later Lancaster) County, Pennsylvania. She delivered at least three children: Mary, Hester (Ester) and John. She would have died sometime before 1738 when her widower husband married Rachel Leiper at Wrightsville (later Colombia), Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
These are the sources I am using:
* Ellis, Franklin and Samuel Evans • “History of Lancaster County Pennsylvania” : Everts & Peck, Philadelphia 1883 Vol II p 584 • https://archive.org/details/historyoflancast02elli/page/n89/mode/2up
Should I contact one of the pre-1700 projects or know about any style guidelines before proceeding? Thank you!