Why cant i merge with my grandmother

+1 vote
Hey.. Julian bruce is my great grandfather. Son of Julian Bruce.

Julian jr son Archibald Bruce was the father of my grandmother florence
WikiTree profile: Archibald Bruce
in Genealogy Help by Tiffany Benoit G2G Rookie (190 points)

2 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer

Tiffany, I think you mean to ask why you can't connect your grandmother to your own profile.  If so, the answer is that you only connect to your immediate ancestors (your parents) and descendants (your children).  All other connections flow through them.  Your mother should be connected to your grandmother and you should be connected to your mother.

I looked at your profile and clicked the ANCESTORS button there.  It looks like all these connections have been made.

By the way, it appears that Archibald would be your great grandfather and Julian Jr would be your gg-grandfather.

Merging is something we do to combine duplicate profiles for the same person, when we discover them, so you would not want to merge your profile with your grandmother's.

by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
selected by Virginia Fields
Hey..that is right! I wanna add  to the family tree for Julian

I see that Julian's mother's ancestors are built way back to the early or mid-1600's, but his father's side stops there.

You won't be able to add profiles for people born before 1700 until you complete the pre-1700 certification process and there might also be a minimum amount of time you are a member or a minimum number of profiles you have to work on to qualify, as well.  WikiTree has this requirement to protect these older profiles by ensuring that they are accurate and properly sourced.  You can check the qualifications for pre-1700 certification HERE.

+6 votes

Hi Tiffany

I'm not sure, but you may have inadvertently created duplicate profiles for your maternal grandparents, so merges may yet be needed.

Currently you have these profiles as your maternal grandparents:

Raymond Benoit (abt. 1900 - abt. 1990)

Florence Isabella (Bruce) Benoit (abt. 1951 - abt. 1992)

Did you make a typo with a date, or were your grandparents really born some 50 years apart?

There is a similarly named Newfoundland couple here:

Raymond Joseph Benoit (abt. 1900 - abt. 1980)

Florence (Bruce) Benoit (abt. 1928 - abt. 2000)

This Florence is showing as the daughter of Archibald as you mentioned.

If these are meant to be the same people, the profile pairs should be merged -- every person is meant to have one profile only on Wikitree. Here is info on the merging process:


by Matthew Sullivan G2G6 Pilot (183k points)

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