Corsica research request if anyone happens to visit the FamilySearch library in SLC

+2 votes

This is a pretty obscure one, but I'm hoping to connect some of the Moroccan sultans via their European wives. One was Marthe Franceschini, who was half-Corsican and half-Sardinian. Her father was Jacques-Marie Franceschini from Corbara, Balagna in Corsica. He was probably born around 1720. This place has baptisms recorded on microfilm but it's only available at the FamilySearch center in SLC as far as I know. So if anyone happens to be going there and would be willing to take a look, that would be great.

Registres paroissiaux de Balogna (Corse), 1689-1815

International B1 Floor Film, 2390189 #8553978.
Items 2 - 3
in The Tree House by Jessica Key G2G6 Pilot (335k points)

Note that Balogna and Balagna are two different places. You will not find baptisms from Corbara in the registers of Balogna.

Another place where these baptisms could be found is the Archives of Corsica (same website for both départements). But for Corbara, only registers from 1802 on are online (I do not know if earlier registers exist but are not digitized, or are lost).

Also, in 1720, Corsica was not part of France but of the Republic of Genoa, so rules for keeping records were not the same. It seems that some rural places did not have registers at all.

You could try the Remote Lookup Service:

Marthe can probably be connected through her brother Vincent Franceschini, who has living descendants, two of them (at least) having a tree on Geneanet: 15103arno and jallrilf.

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