What are the pros and cons of posting a cemetery picture on both WikiTree and FindAGrave?

+16 votes
I posted cemetery pictures taken by a family member and posted with permission to a WikiTree page. What are the pros and cons of also posting the images to FindAGrave? Is it best to just post on WikiTree or post on both sites?
WikiTree profile: William Pridham
in The Tree House by Barbara Ruh G2G6 Mach 2 (21.6k points)

What a great profile!  

With regard to your question, it seems to me it has to be a matter of personal choice.  
The pro is that the more websites you add information to the more widely it will be seen so the subject will be better remembered and you may be more likely to hear from others with an interest in the individual.
The con is that the more time you spend putting things on other websites, the less time you have for research or working on Wikitree. wink

3 Answers

+14 votes
Best answer
I see Gwyneth and Phil gave some great answers. Just my two bits worth ... I read you had a family member take your photos, and with their permission you posted them.  All great to me.

Starting with my "pros", I am a Wikitree and Find A Grave member, and I post on both, with Wikitree being my to go and liked place to be.  I use Find A Grave for most all cemetery information, and to confirm other burial sources (and vis-a-versa).

To leave off with a "con", Find A Grave is an Ancestry site.  They do have down the road $$ in mind, and full rights to the information (photos) you put on their sites.  This has been proved out in the past 20 plus years of taking over other sites. So if your into genealogy, and do not like others making money off your work, that is something to keep in mind.
by Virgil Kester G2G6 Mach 3 (33.6k points)
selected by David Loring
I also am both a WikiTree and Find A Grave member. Surely they cannot get full right prior to them announcing that all information is theirs. When that happens I will no longer post images on Find A Grave. In the meantime I think that having images on both is useful.
@Ronald Drewe. Sorry I don't seem to be able to add a comment below your answer for some reason. I would love to know how you did that on the "Flower".
To leave a flower and comment on Find a Grave, you may need to be logged in, then select the Add Flower on the page, select a Flower and the next page allows you to add a Comment, which is optional.
+19 votes
As Gwyneth says, there are definitely visibility benefits to posting on both, if you don't mind the extra work, but with regard to copyright, which you also mentioned, you should get your friend's permission to do so, and credit them in both places as the owner of the copyright, noting that you posted with their permission.
by Brother Phil Culmer G2G2 (2.7k points)
+11 votes
Another approach is to leave a flower on Find a Grave pointing to the Wikitree profile. There's a discussion on here somewhere about it. An example at Find a Grave 193464479.
by Ronald Drewe G2G1 (1.8k points)
Hi David Loring

Find Wikitree image available for use anywhere, say via https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:WikiTree_Images_New

Save the image to suitable size. In Find a Grave under Profile / Account / Flowers, save the image to scrapbook. Add the flower to a Memorial with suitable text addition.

I hope this helps?

Thank you very much. I was wondering how you got the image there.

Edit to add: I just went back to your example to take another look at which image you used and it seems to have gone. I have had problems adding URLs to Find a Grave before which was why I was particularly interested in this approach.

Well, must not be OK? Since I answered this thread the Wikitree flower on 193464479 has disappeared. I don't think it can be a coincidence as it had been there a few years until now.

Why not try a scaled-down version of this one and only the WT-ID#?  It'd look something like this:

 Remembered at WT-ID#

Then you could check it a week later and see if it's still there.  No url, and it might be that people won't understand the WT-ID# thing, but anyone really interested could google for WikiTree, and then ask here in g2g.

Sounds like a good idea Melanie. I might try that approach.

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