I see Gwyneth and Phil gave some great answers. Just my two bits worth ... I read you had a family member take your photos, and with their permission you posted them. All great to me.
Starting with my "pros", I am a Wikitree and Find A Grave member, and I post on both, with Wikitree being my to go and liked place to be. I use Find A Grave for most all cemetery information, and to confirm other burial sources (and vis-a-versa).
To leave off with a "con", Find A Grave is an Ancestry site. They do have down the road $$ in mind, and full rights to the information (photos) you put on their sites. This has been proved out in the past 20 plus years of taking over other sites. So if your into genealogy, and do not like others making money off your work, that is something to keep in mind.