Profile manager is not interested in merging. What can I do?

+4 votes

Trying to get children's profiles merged without disconnecting them from duplicate parents

On 12 Jun 2023 Christine (Laabs) Klauer wrote on Pryor-2926:

[[Pryor-2926]] and Pryor-244 do not represent the same person because: Once again. Not sure. Need a document showing that they are the same person.

WikiTree profile: Catherine Lansford
in Genealogy Help by Janne Gorman G2G6 Mach 4 (45.3k points)

3 Answers

+5 votes
You could post the information supporting the merge here on G2G and ask for more opinions and/or more or better sourcing for the merge.  The PM is asking for more information before merging which is an OK question.
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (995k points)
The profile that the objecting PM manages is the unsourced profile. The duplicate profile has several sources. Both profiles are linked to duplicate spouses, each is linked to several duplicate children's profiles and have same dates and places.  There is not much more proof that can be submitted to the PM that will not merge.
Agree with Patricia Roche.  The easiest way to see is to compare the two profiles:
Neither profile has a source for this woman's parents which seems to be the stumbling point.
But neither profile is claiming who her parents are. Both profiles are linked to the same spouse and children. Neither of them are linked to parents.  They are identical other than the one profile has sources and the profile of the objecting PM has no sources, but links to the same spouse and children anyway.
Yes.  I just want to merge the duplicates so that their children may be merged
+4 votes

Hi Janne,

Read these instructions to decide how to proceed when a PM will not agree to merge.

They are clear duplicates.  If no source has been located for her given birth name, then one of the profiles should have the LNAB changed to Unknown and the other profile then merged into that one.  A research note can be placed in the biography with regard to the purported surname.

by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (588k points)
+6 votes
The question that needs to be answered in deciding on a merge is "Are the two profiles intended to represent the same person?"

In this instance, the answer to that question is clearly "Yes."  Issues of sourcing can be addressed after the profiles are merged.

The fact that the text section of one of these profiles was wiped clean may make it harder to see that it was intended to represent the same person as the other profile, but the intent is clear from the change history of the blanked-out profile.
by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)

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