Perhaps you would like to add the profiles to Wikitree including the information you have - this makes it easier to collaborate around finding sources. Some findings from a search: there are Bockhöfer's in the World War I lists of losses, including a Friedrich. Please check if they were KIA, MIA or wounded in the original images. Bockhöfer residence locations are e.g. Gretesch in Osnabrück, Hustädte in Melle (in Lower Saxony) and Bad Essen.
See at https://meta.genealogy.net/search
See also: http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2012/buer_gold-ehrenbuch_stadt-melle_lk-osnabrueck_wk2_ns.html
See Ancestry: '''Death Registration''': "England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1916-2007", General Register Office; United Kingdom, {{Ancestry Record|7579|1812487}} (subscription required, accessed 14 June 2023), Erich August L Bockhofer death registered Dec 2000 in Dudley (born 10 Jul 1926).
Findmypast: '''Death Registration''': "England & Wales Deaths 1837-2007",[https://www.findmypast.com/transcript?id=BMD%2FD%2F2000%2F12%2F83537128 FindMyPast Transcription] (accessed 14 June 2023),
Erich August L Bockhofer death registered Oct-Nov-Dec 2000 in Dudley (born 10 Jul 1926).
And a tree with Bockhöfers: https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/112101247/family?cfpid=272137863828
Here are a few records from a Military KIA source on Ancestry:
'''Military''': "Germany, Military Killed in Action, 1939-1948" Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt); Berlin-Reinickendorf, Deutschland; Gräberkarteikarten Gefallener Deutscher Soldaten 1939-1948<br/>
{{Ancestry Sharing|4297008|7b22746f6b656e223a226a6f6178714b6544374c59544c62644c504e36563662492f7766714e6333614f2b2b757338646a485247413d222c22746f6b656e5f76657273696f6e223a225632227d}} (free access)<br/>
{{Ancestry Record|61641|11228534}} (subscription required, accessed 14 June 2023)<br/>
Name: Walter Bockhöfer; Rank: Matrosenobergefreiter; Birth Date: 22. Sep 1924 (22 Sep 1924); Birth Place: Rheine; Military Unit: 27 M S Flottille; Death Date: 4. Jul 1944 (4 Jul 1944); Death Place: Auf See; Mother: Bernhardine Bockhöfer; Identification Number: G-B 287/0349.
* '''Military''': "Germany, Military Killed in Action, 1939-1948"<br/>Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt); Berlin-Reinickendorf, Deutschland; Gräberkarteikarten Gefallener Deutscher Soldaten 1939-1948<br/>{{Ancestry Sharing|4297034|7b22746f6b656e223a2258694a4c4f3377725634486759356b4c567a6244344866697a765247757966316c6a6d726f33454c6439593d222c22746f6b656e5f76657273696f6e223a225632227d}} (free access)<br/>{{Ancestry Record|61641|11228535}} (subscription required, accessed 14 June 2023)<br/>Name: Heinr Bockhöfer; Rank: Wachtmeister; Birth Date: 12. Jun 1916 (12 Jun 1916); Birth Place: Schlingdorf Melle; Military Unit: 1/Div Füfl Batl (A G) 69; Death Date: 4. Mrz 1944 (4 Mar 1944); Death Place: Andejuschino; Identification Number: G-B 287/0350.
* '''Military''': "Germany, Military Killed in Action, 1939-1948"<br/>Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt); Berlin-Reinickendorf, Deutschland; Gräberkarteikarten Gefallener Deutscher Soldaten 1939-1948<br/>{{Ancestry Sharing|4297041|7b22746f6b656e223a224748444f776d674a54585231757a6232384b743243762b3177372f51465056445a5a73436c62754f6956343d222c22746f6b656e5f76657273696f6e223a225632227d}} (free access)<br/>{{Ancestry Record|61641|11228536}} (subscription required, accessed 14 June 2023)<br/>Name: Adolf Bockhöfer; Rank: Oberschütze; Birth Date: 17. Jan 1921 (17 Jan 1921); Birth Place: Hustädte Melle; Military Unit: 7/I R 44; Death Date: 24. Okt 1941 (24 Oct 1941); Death Place: Krasnoja; Identification Number: G-B 287/0351.
Hope this helps as a starting point.