trying to find place of origin for this woman, 2 options.

+3 votes
This woman was given supplemental baptism at the age of 27, as was her younger sister (in 1842).  Both marry here, the marriages being in Protestant churches prior to this baptism.  The marriages name no parents, but these baptisms do (as well as the names of their spouses so there can be no mistake).

There are 2 locations given on them ''Île Donay'' and ''Cherbourg''.  Anybody have a clue where either one would be?  Cherbourg appears to be the one I have linked from Wikipedia in notes, Île Donay is more of a mystery, the closest I can find is Donnay, which is in Calvados, and not an island.

Any help would be appreciated to figure this woman out, grandmother to the first woman doctor in this province (who founded 2 of the biggest children's hospitals)
WikiTree profile: Mary Levallée
in Genealogy Help by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (769k points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Speculation: due to the proximity to Cherbourg, I'm wondering if ''Île Donay'' could have a mishearing of / or meant to be *Alderney* (Channel Islands / Guernsey).
by Matthew Sullivan G2G6 Pilot (184k points)
oooh!  I think you hit it on the nail there, makes total sense, since both girls marry in Protestant church and are only later re-baptised in Catholic faith.  One gets Ile Donay, the other gets Cherbourg for place of birth.

Do you have any idea if records are available for Guernsey islands?

No idea, I'm afraid - maybe update post tags to get someone with experience.

My only advice: When in doubt, the FamilySearch wiki is a place to start:,_Channel_Islands_Genealogy

+5 votes

Here is the civil birth record of Rachel Le Vallée, daughter of Pierre Le Vallée and Marie Renet, on 26 Aug 1817 in Cherbourg. This fits the baptism of the younger sister.

The parents are said to reside in Cherbourg, but I could not find any other record for the parents. As Matthew suggest, they could be from Alderney, where the name Le Vallée / Le Vallais is indeed present. In French it would be "Isle d'Aurigny". Church registers from around 1815 (estimated birth year of Marie) do not seem to be online.

by Julien Cassaigne G2G6 Mach 7 (77.7k points)

Mercie Julien, très apprécié.  laugh

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