Those of us that are passionate about medieval genealogy want WikiTree to be a place where accurate information is available and discussed concerning those that lived during the medieval period. The Medieval Project was formed three years ago to focus on pre-1500 profiles at WikiTree. The project focuses on all pre-1500 profiles (not just royals and nobles) that aren’t already covered by other projects (such as Magna Carta and some country projects).
Due to the scope of the project, pre-1500 certification is required to be a project member.
Availability of time ebbs and flows. The Medieval Project doesn't require any certain level of participation to be a member. If you have the skill set to research in the medieval period and are pre-1500 certified, then we welcome you as a member. To join, reply with an answer (as opposed to a comment) to this post.
We have a few teams already in place, but we welcome and encourage other teams to research and manage medieval profiles. Feel free to contact John, Michael, or me to discuss your ideas.
We have a Google group for the project. Membership in it is optional. If you'd like to join, send me a PM.
Darlene - Co-Leader, Medieval Project and European Aristocrats Project