Brickwall at Lars Larsson and Brita Olsdotter.

+3 votes
My 4th great grandfather is Jan Larrson. I've found his birth, Johan Larsson born 20 Feb 1761 in Faskunge, Fors. His parents were Lars Larsson and Brita Olsdotter. I've check the husförhör for Faskunge. Earliest date is 1779. There is a Lars Larsson and Brita Andersdotter. How can I find out if this is the correct Lars Larsson? There is no Jan/Johan living there which I might expect in 1779? I can find no marriage for a Lars Larsson and Brita Olsdotter in Fors. I could have missed it though.

I have research notes on Lars Larsson that might make a little more sense?

I'm thinking this is not the same person ( Where else can I look for this couple?
WikiTree profile: Lars Larsson
in Genealogy Help by Kathy Pelletier G2G6 (6.5k points)

3 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Eventually, the records run out and it becomes difficult. There are a couple of records you can still check, however. There are the Längder över nattvardsgäster (kommunionlängder) books, for example. Here is the start of the books that include 1761 when Johan was born: Unfortunately, they don't appear to be indexed, so you will need to go through the pages looking for Faskunge. I also took a look at the Mantalslängder records and the first one after 1761 is for 1766 and show Lars Larsson at Faskunge (middle of left side): When all else runs out, you may be able to follow them further back in time.
by Eric Stamper G2G6 Mach 2 (29.1k points)
selected by Kathy Pelletier
I forgot to add that you can view additional Mantalslängder books for the Eskilstuna parish here:
Thank you Eric. I was able to find Lars Larsson's death in 1772. I don't know what happened to his widow Brita Olsdotter or the children. I will continue to search. I now know that the Lars Larsson in Faskunge in 1779 is not the same person. They have the same approximate birth year though. Confusing!
I did a little more research, starting with the documents you found.

On the Apr 8 1792 marriage record ( it says that Johan Larsson was from Hellby. It also appears to indicate that Anna Larsdotter was previously married (Enkan).

Then, on the 1792 household record from Öja ( it says that Jan arrived there in 1792 and that he was from Torshälla parish.

There happens to be a Hellby in Torshälla, and there is a Jan Larsson living there in the time period leading up to 1792. He is listed on several pages (presumably the same person on each) and is listed as born in 1761. Unfortunately, it doesn't ever say where he was born and where he moved to or from. It does just so happen that on the first item listed below (which covers 1787 onward), there is an Anna Larsdotter (b 1767) listed next to him, who appears to be from Eskilstuna. Here are the records I found:

I also located the 1792 birth record for their son Lars who was born shortly after they married in Skogstorp, Öja:

So far, these items don't give us a clear date and location for Jan's birth, but I hope they may give some clues for further research.
Thank you! I misread and thought it said Mellby which I took to be Mälby. On the 3rd item you listed there is a Jonas Larsson f 1770 in Fors. I'm pretty certain that is Jan's youngest brother. I do have Jan's date of birth and place. 20 Feb 1761 in Faskunge. I have not been able to find him on the husförhör though. I was hoping it would say where he came from before Hellby. But now I know to really search Fors husförhör for the family. They may be there somewhere.
+4 votes
One way I try to find if a couple are parents or not, is by trying to find the probate records for the ones I suspect, as if there is one, the person I'm looking for parents for, should be mentioned. :)

If they live in the same village / farm as the birth place of your ancestor, it is probable but not certain they are the right people. Then follow them, and look for siblings of your ancestor in the birth records around the birth of your ancestor to learn about the rest of the family.

Edit: to say that when the patronymic differs from Olsdotter to Andersdotter, it is most often the wrong couple, but could still be Lars who re-married another Brita.

Also, check the births of Olof and Lars who are still living in the household of Lars Larsson.
by Maria Lundholm G2G6 Pilot (252k points)
+2 votes
Most likely Brita remarried since her first husband died young. Look in the Faskunge household examination with a different husband. Jan is 18 years old at this point and may be on his own.
by Richard Lindblom G2G6 Mach 2 (20.4k points)
Thanks Richard. There is only the one family in Faskunge. I've tried looking for a marriage for Brita Olsdotter with no luck.

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