My daughter asked in which area in Sicily where her great grandparents were born, and I had no idea.

+3 votes
My father's parents were born in Italy. Rosalie Perrone married Rosario Martino, either in Italy or in New York after they immigrated there. I have no records and would like help from family members, as to city/province and dates of births and deaths.
in Genealogy Help by Rosalie Martino G2G Rookie (260 points)
retagged by Michael Cayley

3 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer has a family tree that includes a Rosario "Sam" Martino, who married Rosalie Perrone.  The tree says that Sam was born ca. 1903 in Piazza Amerina, Enna, Siciliy.

There is also a naturalization petition for him that has him born on July 10, 1901, in Piazza Armerina, Italy. It says that he arrived on October 26, 1915, in New York and the date of the petition is June 14, 1928.

I can never get the sharing links to work.

by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
selected by Rosalie Martino

Here's a link to the marriage record of the couple on July 14, 1923, in Kings County, New York.

The parents of Rosario are Sante and Guiseppa (Baenz) Martino and of Rosalie are Stefano and Lorenza (Licansi) Perrone.

And this may be the immigration record of Rosalie's father:

This is a link to the birth record of the brother Francesco mentioned at Ancestry


Stato civile italiano   >   Piazza Armerina

Conservato da: Archivio di Stato di Enna 

Comune/Località: Piazza Armerina 

Segnatura attuale: 3456

The record is on image 29 of 300. This is in the volume of births for 1894.

Thank you so much!
+3 votes
Do they have profiles on WikiTree? Sometimes you can find out where they are from from their naturalization papers or from passenger lists. It would be a lot of work, but if you know their date of birth, you could use Antenati to search through the records. You'd have to go through them by each location in Sicily which is quite a lot, but not impossible.

I notice you are a guest. You should upgrade (free) and create profiles so we can help you get started.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (983k points)
There is only one Rosario Martino, but I think he is too old since he was born in 1777.

There is a Rosalie A. Perrone (1930s-2020s), but I don't think that could be her because her parents were born in Texas.
+1 vote
From the image of the NYC marriage record ( it also says that Rosario Martino was born in Piazza Armerina and that Rosalia Perrone was born in Aidone. Both towns are in the modern day province of Enna.

Rosario, his mother, and siblings arrived in New York in 1915. They were last living in Aidone according to the ship manifest but were born in Piazza Armerina:

Here is Rosario's birth record (#465):

He was born 10 Jul 1901.

Rosalia, her mother, and brother Vincenzo arrived in 1912. They were also from Aidone (although Vincenzo may have been born in Serradifalco):

Her parents Stefano Pirrone and Adele Lorenza Li Calsi married in Aidone in 1905 according to the Aidone 10-year marriage index from 1905-1914.

The Aidone 1872-1910 marriage records and 1886-1909 birth records are only available on FamilySearch at a Family History Center or FamilySearch Affiliate Library:
by Frank Santoro G2G6 Mach 6 (66.5k points)

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