need help with categories and military sticker

+5 votes

Hello: I am still working on my Nelson line, and found a gentleman that, while I'm not sure I'm related, he was getting confused with other Robert Nelsons who were of a similar timeframe. So I created a profile for him but as usual get stuck with trying to categorize properly, and use the appropriate stickers. Any help appreciated, as some of you were already so helpful with my other Nelson profile, and getting it categorized properly. The profile for Robert Nelson is Nelson-31513 . Thank you in advance for any assistance. Oh, and if by some chance you can help me figure out how to connect this gentleman to the bigger tree, that would be amazing! Thanks, Rebecca

in WikiTree Tech by Rebecca Rose G2G6 Mach 1 (13.4k points)
Rebecca, I see where he can be connected to the tree by looking at DAR records, so I will work on this.

Thank you, Alexis, that is awesome! I noticed, after I posted the question, that if the will I have on his profile is the correct one, Robert Nelson mentions two underage sons, James and Robert, and a daughter Jean Scott. Hope this helps! smiley

Rebecca, I only used the DAR records, but I was able to connect him to the tree. With the will, you may find other connections.smiley

Wow, that's a satisfying feeling, thank you! I will look into those sons, and see if I can find anything else. Your assistance is appreciated, plus I learned a couple new 'techniques'. yes

1 Answer

+3 votes
I have added the 1776 sticker to the profile.
by Gary Nevius G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
edited by Gary Nevius
Thank you!

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