Opps, Something went wrong! Try uploading the picture again to a free space page. I now put all my photos on a free space page with open privacy. Then when you are ready to upload the picture here, click on the picture twice, so that it is displayed on a black background.
The picture with the black background has the correct URL address. Copy that address and paste it in the picture frame icon (where you change text, sizes, colors.) Then make sure the picture size is not more than 500. You can also justify the picture to the right so the text wraps around on the left side! Pretty neat! I set the poster picture at 200 Width and then right Justification. If you don't like the results, just click on the pictures and change the settings.
The correct address will look like this: https://www.wikitree.com/photo.php/9/93/Dave_Draper_s_Family_Story_CollectionDraper-17.jpg but if you paste the link in the post, it will display the address, not the picture!