The Campbell DNA Team is excited to announce 'The Campbells of ...' pages on WikiTree. The purpose of these pages is to identify the various Campbell families that settled or passed through these identified locations, and untangle their genealogies with the help of records and Y-DNA.
Below are the links to the 'Campbells of ...' WikiTree projects. Once you get into each location page, you'll see links to view actual images of deeds, wills, marriage, and other records. We need your help in connecting these records to the right profiles.
Franklin Co., PA:
Cecil Co., MD:
Augusta Co., VA:
Botetourt Co., VA:
Rockbridge Co., VA:
Orange Co., VA:
Bedford Co., VA:
Lincoln Co., KY:
Garrard Co., KY:
Madison Co., KY:
One main goal of the Campbell WikiTree Project is to identify Y-DNA genetic markers of the various Campbell lines and their migration from Scotland to Ireland, Canada, Australia and the United States. We have some members in the Campbell DNA Project who have a proven Campbell line back to the early 1700s (some even earlier than that). So if you take the Y-DNA test and share a genetic marker with one of these individuals, it might help you break through your Campbell line brick wall. This will help others who believe they might be connected to a specific line, because they’ll be able to take a Y-DNA test and see how they match up with others in the project. To see more about DNA, go to our [[Space:Campbell_DNA_Group_Project|Campbell DNA Group Project]] page.
For a complete directory of Campbell Projects see: [[Space:Campbell_Projects|Campbell Project Directory]]
A special thanks to Kevin Campbell-37992, Adam Campbell-51079 and Brandon Campbell-56889 for their work on these projects.