Were your Campbell ancestors in any of these U.S. counties?

+5 votes

The Campbell DNA Team is excited to announce 'The Campbells of ...' pages on WikiTree. The purpose of these pages is to identify the various Campbell families that settled or passed through these identified locations, and untangle their genealogies with the help of records and Y-DNA.

Below are the links to the 'Campbells of ...' WikiTree projects. Once you get into each location page, you'll see links to view actual images of deeds, wills, marriage, and other records. We need your help in connecting these records to the right profiles.

Franklin Co., PA: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Campbells_of_Franklin_County_Pennsylvania

Cecil Co., MD:

Augusta Co., VA:

Botetourt Co., VA: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Campbells_of_Botetourt_County_Virginia

Rockbridge Co., VA: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Campbells_of_Rockbridge_County_Virginia

Orange Co., VA:

Bedford Co., VA:

Lincoln Co., KY:

Garrard Co., KY:

Madison Co., KY:

 One main goal of the Campbell WikiTree Project is to identify Y-DNA genetic markers of the various Campbell lines and their migration from Scotland to Ireland, Canada, Australia and the United States. We have some members in the Campbell DNA Project who have a proven Campbell line back to the early 1700s (some even earlier than that). So if you take the Y-DNA test and share a genetic marker with one of these individuals, it might help you break through your Campbell line brick wall. This will help others who believe they might be connected to a specific line, because they’ll be able to take a Y-DNA test and see how they match up with others in the project. To see more about DNA, go to our [[Space:Campbell_DNA_Group_Project|Campbell DNA Group Project]] page.

For a complete directory of Campbell Projects see: [[Space:Campbell_Projects|Campbell Project Directory]]

 A special thanks to Kevin Campbell-37992, Adam Campbell-51079 and Brandon Campbell-56889 for their work on these projects.

WikiTree profile: Space:Campbell_Projects
in The Tree House by Kevin Guy Campbell G2G6 (8.3k points)
edited by Kevin Guy Campbell
I do have Campbell ancestry, but none from the areas listed. My Campbells were from Cumberland County, North Carolina. There are so many Campbells! All the best to you with your project!
We can do this for any county or region. We just need someone with knowledge of the area to manage the page and collect the records. I can spin up a page quickly to get things going.
Same here. Mine were from Cherry Valley, NY.
How about starting a Cherry Valley page? I would be glad to assist.

Unfortunately, I don't know enough about the Cumberland County area and the Campbells there to get involved in such a project. And the one Campbell cousin I knew from there has died. I descend from Norman Campbell son of Neill Campbell. If I come across someone else from that line who is more knowledgeable, I will tell them about your project and encourage them to get involved.

The Campbells the founders of Cherry Valley, NY are an immense and convoluted family.

With much confusion and some disagreement about whether there were 2 men named James Campbell.

My DH 5x GGF not a Campbell (Irish immigrant) lived in Cherry Valley from about 1770 until the 1778 Cherry Valley massacre, when he left for Canada.

I can provide sources and upload PDFs for the early Campbells of Cherry Valley but know very little about the family after the early 1800s.
I'm not sure how to start a project page, but I do have some resources from my trip to Cherry Valley, including dozens of pictures of Campbell graves that are not yet uploaded to FindAGrave and pictures of the cemetery plots with names. I also have a half dozen Cherry Valley Campbells books. I went to the museum and took various pictures of Campbell artifacts, including of painting portraits with names/dates, maps of where they lived, and genealogical records held in the museum. I descend from Campbell-50846. I even have a picture of a Bible where the spear cut through it during the 1778 massacre.
I visited Cherry Valley in Sept 2015 and also visited the museum.

It was very interesting because Sue, the Town Historian had no idea what had happened to the McClellan family, my husband's ancestors.

4 members of the family are listed as escaped from Cherry Valley along with many others, including the Campbells, McCollums and Thompsons.

3 members of the family are listed as carried off by the 'Indians'.

I promised to send her the family history from the time they left Cherry Valley, another thing on my to do list!
At least four of you have brought up the Cherry Valley Campbells. These Campbells need to be documented correctly and YDNA tests may be needed to sort it out. If any or all of you are interested in managing the Campbells of Cherry Valley page I would be glad to spin up the page to get you started. Just send me a private message.
Hi Kevin,

I'm happy to upload any and all of the Campbell family information I have, from source lists to documents just tell me where to put it.

But, they are not connected in any way to my husband's family, they just lived in the same village Cherry Valley, NY.
Kevin, I would say there is an interest in creating the Cherry Valley Campbells project page. I think it would be a slow work in progress, as there is a lot to organize. I am unfamiliar with managing projects. Does the project page have to have a manager assigned in order to be created? If so, and if you don't have one, you can put me down temporarily as an interim until someone more experienced expresses interest, just to get the page made, so it can start getting worked on. I'm assuming anyone can work on it, not just the listed project manager?
Tiah, I can build the page for you and whoever wants to join the Cherry Valley group. Anyone would be able to edit. If you have some pages with records in a table then those pages would be public but we would lock down editing to the profile managers. Tables can be tricky and if anyone goes in and edits them it can really mess them up. So if you are ready I'll put it together.

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
My Campbells when they came over came down through South Carolina into Florida. Are you going to include these areas?
by Katrina Graham G2G6 Mach 3 (33.9k points)
selected by Vicki Robertson
We have several testers that passed through SC and a few others in Florida. We can start any area just need someone to manage the pages.
+2 votes
Kevin, you know I’ve got ancestors from Franklin County, PA.  I’m in Argentina this week and will check out your links when I get back.
by Paul Campbell G2G6 Mach 1 (11.1k points)
Paul, Send me a message when you get back. I have something I want to review with you.
+2 votes
My Campbell forebears came to Augusta County VA where Malcom Campbell first appeared in 1746, the year after Culloden. He moved down the Valley and purchased property in what is now Roanoke (city and county) in the early 1750s during the Sven Years War. As Rockbridge and Botetourt counties emerged from Augusta, he and some of his children were listed in them as well as the eventual city/county of Roanoke.
by Ted Campbell G2G Rookie (260 points)
I have Campbell ancestry on the maternal side of my grandmother's relatives Irene Burris Howe. The Campbell family are from Mineral Bureau, Illinois.
Do you know where your Campbells migrated from? Have you done a YDNA test on one of your male Campbell relatives?

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