On 17 Jun 2023 Dana (Johnson) McKenna wrote on Wolcott-90:
After spending numerous days researching my Wolcott ancestry (through Daniel Cooley, Cooley--338), I have several questions/concerns about the ancestors of Wolcott-103. First, having reviewed and rereviewed information presented on wolcottfamily.com/somerset and The Lindgren/Tryon Genealogy, including tracking down sources listed therein, I am puzzled as to why William Wolcott (Wolcott-90) and Whetchill-1 still show as Wolcott-103 parents. Wolcott family genealogy concludes that the William appearing "in 1525 on the earliest existing tax roll naming residents of Tolland and also on the Tolland subsidy rolls of 1535 and 153...." may be Thomas' father or brother. Secondly, none of the available sources cited for William Wolcott in the Lindgren/Tryon Genealogy, 2007 edition, pg 269, specifically mention a marriage to Elizabeth Whetchill, noting that source 63 is Anon, A Visitor's Guide To Tolland Church, and sources 661, 662, and 663 refer to specific Quarterly Publications of the Society of Descendants of Henry Wolcott, the info of which is not currently cited on wolcottfamily.com. The only "source" citing a William Wolcott who married an Elizabeth is in the Wolcott Genealogy https://archive.org/details/wolcottgenealogy00wolc/page/10/mode/2up, which cites Hollister's History of Connecticut, which states "through the researches of Mr. Somerby, of Boston, in the herald's office, among the subsidy rolls, wills, and parish records of England, the genealogy of Henry Wolcott, Esquire, (the emigrant) has been traced, through fifteen generations, back to Sir John Wolcott, knight, as follows;" Specifics are not cited in the Hollister 1858 text. I am guessing that this is also the “source” that resulted in the adding the ancestry of Wolcott-103.
This concern was first brought up in Nov 2020 (see comments for Wolcott-90) but does not appear to have been addressed.