Twisted Thistles July 2023 Connect a Thon [closed]

+9 votes

Welcome to the Twisted Thistles chat page for the July 2023 Connect-a-thon for members of the  Twisted Thistles Team, and anyone else who would like to cheer on the team.  

The event starts Friday, July 14, at 8 AM EST (1pm UTC) and runs until Monday, July 17, at 8 AM EST (1pm UTC). [time zone calculator]. Let us know here what you'll be working on, and if you have any helpful tips or good resources please share them. As always, any thon-related questions are welcome!

Please remember that you need to Register for this event on the main July 2023 Connect a Thon Page which can be found here.

Take a look at our Team Page for ideas and helps to get you started. If you're on Discord, let me know and we'll set you up on our Twisted Thistles channel to join in the fun and chatter while we work. 

In the April Connect a Thon, the Twisted Thistles collectively added 1425 profiles with only 13 members taking part.  Can we beat our totals this time round?

Looking forward to working with all of our Twisted Thistles members and anyone else who'd like to join in the fun.


WikiTree profile: Space:Twisted_Thistles
closed with the note: Connect a Thon July 2023 has ended
in The Tree House by Suzy Cairns G2G6 Mach 3 (34.5k points)
closed by Suzy Cairns
Is there a preferes way of entering ScotlandPeople's record for things we find there?

The Sourcing Help Page has examples.  For Scotlands People, please make sure that only the main site url is included, not the search results or other links, because they don't work after a short time.

Thank you!  Is this sufficient for the connect-a-thon, does it qualify:  <ref>[] Statutory Death Record, William Daly, 1910, database with images, ''ScotlandsPeople'', Record number 587/00 0066, accessed 12 Dec 2015 by [[Alexander-6895|Heather Kamami]]</ref>

<ref>”Statutory Register of Deaths” database; National Records of Scotland; (accessed 12 December 2015) William Daly death registered 1910 in INSERTPLACE; citing 587 / 0066</ref>

If you insert the RD NAME as given on the index where I’ve put INSERTPLACE that would be you sorted

1 Answer

+5 votes
I'd like to try and help. I have not done a 'thon' and I am still learning and getting the hang of things. But everyone was new at one point.

But how do you know when a profile is 'connected'. Because unlike ancestry....there isnt a 'home person' ...a starting profile.

How do you get to the 'main tree' if you will.
by Heather Kamami G2G2 (2.4k points)

Hi Heather

ok so don’t worry about connecting to the Main Tree the point of the Connect a Thon is to connect missing people so for example if you look at,_Needs_Profiles_Created&from=E

This is the Scotland Category and then there are sub categories for the counties which I have been working to fill.

When you go on these profiles you should see information for immediate relatives that need a profile and it should be sourced also.

So you might have John Anderson with a mum and dad attached and siblings but he had no spouse and children but their details are in his bio so you would create those missing people connecting them to John.  You get a point for each profile you create.

If you are on Discord during the Thon I will be around all weekend to help out and advise if anyone is stuck as will a few others.  If you are not on Discord yet I will get a link for you to join us.


Team Captain

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