Hi David,
Here are some of my (quasi-scholarly) books on Cameroon. Happy to give references from bibliographies if needed.
"Traditional Bamenda: The Pre-colonial History and Ethnography of the Bamenda Grassfields, Vol 1". E M Chilver and P M Karberry. 1967, 134pp. No names of actual people, but has an undated genealogy of a tribes ancestors. Bibliography of original documents, many in German.
"Cameroons Village: An Ethnography of the Bafut". Robert and Pat Ritzenthaler. 1962, 136pp. Milwaukee Public Museum. Short Bibliography of English documents. Photo and detail of then current Fon of Bafut.
"The Prime Minister’s Lodge at Buea". Margaret Field. 2nd Ed, 1969, 23pp. Details of colonial officers, German and English, and three Cameroonian Prime Ministers of West Cameroon (Dr J N Foncha, A N Jua, S T Muna)
And some local people (carpenters, tailor, steward)
"Zintgraff's Explorations in Bamenda: Adamawa and the Benue Lands 1889-1892". E M Chilver. 1966, 34pp. Poor photos of Zintgraff and several named Cameroonian chiefs.
"Eye-Witnesses to the Annexation of Cameroon 1883-1887". S G Ardener. 1968, 86pp. A page of English and German references. Lots of detail, poor photos and correspondence with key Cameroonians, including returned enslaved people .
"Kamerun! Une Guerre Cachée aux Origines de la Françafrique 1948-1971". Thomas Deltombe, Manuel Domergue, Jacob Tatiana. 2011, 741pp. Comprehensive end notes and index of names. Several photos of key players.
I’ll probably be using these last two as initial primary sources.