Today is the Anniversary of one of Australia’s mining disasters, the Hamilton Pit (Glebe Mine) Disaster in 1889. It’s just one of 11 Mining Disasters in Australia up until 1948 with 10 or more fatalities. Can you help us over the next couple of days to create profiles to honour the miners who died? Just one or two profiles will be a great help if that’s all you have time for. Some profiles will require significant research just to work out their basic details. Others may be pretty straightforward. You may also find some of the miners on WikiTree already. Once you’ve created a profile, then add the link to that profile to the table for that specific mine disaster. I can help you with that if you’re not sure how to do it.
There are disasters in Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria to choose from: The Dayston Colliery (Wonthaggi, Victoria), North Mt Lyell Mine (Tasmania), and the Bellbird Colliery, Mt Kembla Colliery, Dudley Colliery, Stockton Colliery, Hamilton Pit Glebe Mine and the Old Bulli Colliery, all in NSW.
If you’d like to contribute, let us know which disaster you’ll be working on by posting below and tell us your achievements so we can all celebrate. We can also chat about any questions you have on the Disasters or Australia Project discord channel if you are on either of those.