DNA comparisons between James Webb (Wilkes Co, NC) and John Webb (Berks Co, Penn)

+7 votes

My name is Jerome Webb. I am a direct-line descendent of James Webb (est: 1752-1825) who lived most of his life on a farm near Harris(es) Creek, Middle Fork Roaring River. Wilkes County, North Carolina. I have been researching James of over 12 and one thing is certain, his history is very confusing. 

Specifically, he is linked by many family trees to John Webb and Mary (Boone) Webb as a son or grandson.  I have never believed this.

I took a Family Tree y-DNA-37 test about 10 years ago.  I provided the results of this test to the Webb Surname DNA Project.  The project already had DNA groupings For James Webb [d.1825 Letcher Ky] and John Webb [1694 PA].  Each lists descendants of these two men, and their y-DNA findings. Due to my test results, I was placed in the James Webb [d.1825 Letcher KY] grouping along with 4 other "cousins".  

I am no expert when it comes to y-DNA marker and comparisons.  I know what a haplogroup is, and the more markers indicates a more detailed analysis of your biological makeup.  I have created charts to illustrate what I will try to explain below, but they do not transfer well in this format. If anyone would like to see them I recommend you visit the Webb Surname DNA Project website, open reports then click on the Y-DNA Test Results and you can see the comparisons yourself. 

The most glaring difference between the James Webb [d.1825 Letcher KY] group and the John Webb [1694 PA] is the haplogroups. All participants in the James Webb group have the haplogroup R-M269 while all the participants in the John Webb group have the haplogroup I-M233 or its variant (3 examples).  I have read that haplogroups indicate someone's "biological surname".  Many haplogroups go back hundreds, even thousands of of years. 

My conclusion is that if the James Webb descendants and John Webb descendants have different haplogroups, they cannot be related. Therefore, James Webb and John and Mary (Boone) Webb cannot be related. 

Anyone who knows far more about DNA than me, please let me know if I am on tract of far off base.   Thanks!

WikiTree profile: James Webb
in The Tree House by Jerry Webb G2G1 (1.0k points)
edited by Jerry Webb
This is true,  they are not related. My Webb's are the I-M223 YDNA line.

3 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer

I read this article: Haplogroup Matching: What It Does (and Doesn’t) Mean | DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy (dna-explained.com). The long and short of it is that to be related both groups must have the same base haplogroup. You are correct, the James Webb group has base haplogroup "R" and the John Webb group has base haplogroup "I". So they are not a match. There are other articles linked to this article that should interest you and help you understand better.

by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (942k points)
selected by Jerry Webb
+5 votes

I am confused by a lot of DNA stuff, but I know i have a Y-DNA connection to 7 Webbs and it is Y Haplogroup R-M269. I am not a Webb. Presumably I must be descended from one, but the only one I can confirm so far is John Thomas Webb 1534-1560 Devon England and his ancestors

by Phillip Mintz G2G1 (1.7k points)
I looked it up, and Haplogroup R-M269 is a very common group.  I read that over 11 men in Europe alone fall under it.  Even George Boone III, the father of Mary Boone Webb falls under R-M269, thats when I start looking at the markers.  The markers of the George Bone III descendant have much different results, so while he may be related, the relationship probably goes way back, maybe a thousand years, long before there were surnames.  That's my understanding anyway.
+5 votes
John Webb-1629 was born in England, not PA.
by Robert Webb G2G6 Mach 8 (82.5k points)
I am confused by your comment.  Are you referring to the John Webb (1694 PA) I included in my question?  The 1694 PA marker is assigned by the Webb Surname DNA Project to delineate this John Webb from the other John Webb groupings. I agree, John Webb was born in England. However, I'm not sure how you came up with 1629?
wikitree ID# Webb-1629
Duh, I get it. Still getting use to the nomenclature.

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