History of Thomas Newton Collier who married Mary Arletha Padgett about 1890?

+4 votes
Looking for family history of Thomas Newton Collier who married Mary Arletha Padgett, daughter of George Washington Padgett and Amanda "Mandy" Florilla Moncus.  Thomas Collier and Mary Padgett were married in about 1890.  The Padgett's were living in Randolph Co, AL.  Thomas and Mary later went to Ogelthorpe Co. GA.  

Does anyone have history to share on William Billy Moncus or his wife, Mary C Polly Leathers, who were the parents of Amanda "Mandy" Florilla Moncus?
in Genealogy Help by

2 Answers

+2 votes
From an Ancestral File, Amanda Moncus was born 21 May 1841 in GA. She married George Washington Padgett on May 1864. The couple had 6 sons and 3 daughters, including Mary Arletha Padgett.

Amanda Moncus' parents were William and Mary (Leathers) Moncus. Amanda's paternal grandfather was Benjamin Moncus

Would you have any more information on date and or place of birth for Thomas N. Collier or Mary A. Padgett? Is there a time frame in years for when the moved to GA and how long they stayed?
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Thank you for the reply.  I have found a document in my records about Thomas Newton Collier. Send me you email address and I'll send the document to you.

Thomas Newton Collier (born 7/4/1868) and Mary Arletha Padgett moved to Ogelthorpe County GA.  I think it was Montezuma, GA.  I don't know when they moved but it was some time after 1893 when my g-grandmother was born.  They stayed in Montezuma until they died.  They had 6 sons and 3 daughters.  Thomas R Collier, born 7/29/1891; Minnie Corine Collier born 11/7/1893; Artie Mae Collier born 9/26/1895; William O Collier born 4/1897; James O Collier born 10/1898; Loomis G Collier b 12/1899; Walter Collier born 1901; Earlie Collier; Archibald S Collier; and Owens Collier.  Thomas Newton Collier died 2/3/1937.  Mary A Padgett Collier died in 1967.  They are buried in Montezuma GA.  Minnie Corine is my g-grandmother, she married William Marion Allen and had 5 girls and 3 boys.  All are dead now except the youngest son and daughter.

Okay, I finally got it to copy into this page.

Robert Collier   According to the death certificate of a son of Robert Collier, Robert was born in GA. His wife's maiden name was Tiny and she was born in Alabama.  Robert Augustus COLLIER b: 29 May 1836 d: after 1910 Husband of Mary Browning.  Mary and their son left home to visit her sister.  She was never heard from again. He later married her sister, Parthenia Browning, born 1851, died after 1910. The couple lived in Jefferson County in 1880, by 1900 the family had moved back to Clay County

William A. born 1861 married Loraine – he is buried at Liberty Clay County
Thomas Newton born 1869, married Mary Padgett Thomas Newton Collier, son of Robert and (Miss) Tiny (Parthenia)
John born 1870 married Sallie
Ella born 1872, died 1906 married William Roberts buried Hassell’s Gap Clay County
Martha born 1874
Axa born 1876
Dead child 
Joseph born 1880 
Ara born 1882, died after 1920 unmarried buried Mt. Zion Clay County
Dead child
Dead child
Velma born 1887, died 1952 married Benjamin Parsons, buried Mt. Zion Clay County

Thomas Newton Collier born July 4, 1869 died Feb 3, 1937 in Macon Co., Mary Arlitha Padgett was the daughter of George Washington Padgett and Amanda Moncus of AL.

Children of Thomas Newton Collier and Mary Arlitha Padgett are/were: Thomas Washington Collier b. 29 JUL 1892
Minnie Collier b. 07 NOV 1893
Artie Mae Collier b. 26 SEP 1895
William O. Collier b. 05 APR 1896
James O. Collier b. 06 OCT 1898
Lumus G. Collier b. 29 DEC 1900
Walter B. Collier b. 29 JUN 1902
Archie Samuel Collier b. 06 FEB 1904
Earlie Della Collier b. 02 JUL 1906
Owens Collier b. 06 AUG 1907 

Thomas Newton Collier,who was born 04 JUL 1869 in Clay Co, AL and died on 03 FEB 1937, Macon Co, GA burial in Cedar Valley Cemetary, Macon Co, GA; wife Mary Arlitha PADGETT b. 12 OCT 1871 in Clay Co, AL d. 27 MAY 1967 Montezuma, Macon Co, GA. Both graves are marked. Also a very old slab, cement, with 'James Collier' scribed in the cement.  Thomas Newton Collier’s death certificate only says 'Tiney' in the place for mother's surname.  The death certificate was filled out by their son Thomas Washington Collier. 

+2 votes

Found some census data indicating Thomas b.  July 1868 in AL.  There is a Thomas of the correct age in an 1870 AL census - but no proof he's the correct one.  Moncus/Leathers marriage recorded in Carroll, GA 1833

Georgia, Marriages, 1808-1967 


groom William Munkees

bride Mary Leathers

marriage date: 18 Aug 1833  Carroll, GA

indexing project (batch) number: M71236-1


US Census, 1910 Precinct 6, Clay, AL


self  Thomas N Collier  M 42y AL

wife  Mary A Collier F 38y AL

son  Thomas R Collier M 19y AL

son  William O Collier M 13y AL

dau  Minnie C Collier F 16y AL

dau  Artie Collier F 15y AL

son  Loomis G Collier M 10y AL

son  Walter Collier M 8y AL

dau  Earlie Collier F 6y AL

son  Archobald S Collier M 5y AL

son  Owens Collier M 3y AL


U S Census, 1900   ED 108 Precinct 6 Ashland, Clay, AL


head  Thomas G Collier  M 32 Jul 1868 AL/GA/AL married abt 9 yrs

wife  Mary A Collier F 29 Oct 1871 AL/AL/GA

son  Thomas R Collier M 9 AL

dau  Minnie C Collier F 7 AL

dau  Arty M Collier F 5 AL

son  William O Collier M 3 AL

son  James O Collier M 2 AL

son  Linnous Collier M 1 AL


U S Census, 1870  Township 22, Randolph, AL


Augustus Colier M 32y AL

 Pothiny Colier F 18y AL

 William Colier M 10y AL

 Thomas Colier  M 2y AL  ???

 John F Colier M 4m AL


U S Census, 1880  Flat Rock, Randolph, Alabama


self  George W. Padgett M 39 GA

wife  Amanda Padgett F 38 AL

son  John D. E. Padgett M 14 AL

dau  Sarah A. E. Padgett  F 12 AL

son  Job Padgett M 11 AL

dau  Mary A. Padgett F 7 AL

son  George Padgett M 5 AL

son  William W. Padgett M 3 AL

dau  Joannah M. Padgett F 2 AL

son  Thomas P. Padgett M 0 AL


by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (938k points)

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