Why is my uploaded photo sideways?

+7 votes
I uploaded a photo (see link); on my computer, this image is vertical and upright. After upload, it's sideways. What's up? I don't see a way to rotate it. Thanks.
WikiTree profile: Edna Hill-Pridgeon
in Genealogy Help by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (955k points)
Hi Jillaine,

I cannot see a way to rotate your photos (.jpg).  Also, I don't understand why someone should give your question the thumbs down.

The only sugeestion I can make is that you rotate these 2 photos 90 degrees clockwise - and upload again.  Worth a try?
That's very strange. Are you sure they're saved right side up on your computer? Sometimes I think I have photos saved the right way, but really I just have them open rotated. Anyway I can't see how uploading a photo to WikiTree could rotate it.
I freshly edited my offline image files. Also made them smaller in file and display size and  then re-uploaded them. They are appropriately right-side up now. I detached the two sideways images, which I understand will ultimately lead to their deletion from wikitree.

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Great pictures! She was a beautiful young lady.

There must be an auto-rotate in the automatically shrink-to-fit to display on some systems. For me, Google Chrome did what you're talking about, but not IE or Firefox. (What's odd: I found a discussion on how this would be a nice feature to add to Chrome, but no mention of it.)

Your personal computer's operating system or default image viewing software must be auto-rotating as well.

Our system wouldn't rotate an image on upload. And we don't have any image editing capability built-in to allow you to change it. Sorry.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Keith Baker
Fascinating explanation, Chris. Thanks.

Beautiful and sad story about Edna Jane, all of which emerged through examination of records. (The family knowledge about her was far more limited than this:)

Her first marriage to my husband's great-grandfather was not a happy one (George may have been an alcoholic), and their daughter Helen was raised more by her uncle than her parents-- when she wasn't in some sort of boarding school.

By about 1910 (11 years into her marriage with George), Edna Jane hooked up with a married John Pridgeon Jr, former mayor of Detroit. They probably met in Boston. His wife requested and received a divorce by 21 Jan 1911-- I have yet to find a divorce record between Edna Jane and George Hill, but the family's own storytelling does include it.  Edna Jane and John Pridgeon Jr married in Boston 3 weeks later, on Valentine's day; and 4 months after THAT, she gave birth to a stillborn in June (in Massachusetts). (From this we can surmise the reason for John's first wife's request for a divorce.)

Edna must have moved to Detroit; the following year, she gave birth to another stillborn, buried in Detroit. A year after that, while pregnant, she came down with pneumonia, gave birth prematurely to yet another stillborn, and then succumbed to the pneumonia a few weeks later. Two months after she died, the body of her first stillborn by John (the one born in Massachusetts) was moved to Detroit and re-interred with her.

John married a year later, a third wife-- who he had met and connected with as a result of "a death notice the year before."

His biographer (see Wikipedia) chose to exclude the second, short-lived marriage to Edna Jane Tanner Hill.
What an amazing story. It's stories like these that make us do genealogy, isn't it? And stories like these remind us how lucky we are today.
0 votes
Great photos, Jillaine!


Can you not rotate it from the "View/Edit" page?
by Keith Baker G2G6 Pilot (109k points)
I looked at view/edit again in case I missed something and still didn't see a rotate option.  But get this: I clicked on "see full image" to see if there was a rotate option their (there isn't ) AND the image righted itself!!!  

Lianne, yes the image on my computer is vertical/upright.  That said, each of those two images -- yes isn't she beautiful? -- was originally from a scan of both photos into one file.  (Ie i scanned two photos at once.) In THAT file of both images, the images are sideways. I had then made two individual files from that scan in which I'd rotated the images to be vertical.  So is the original orientation of the scan somehow being remembered in the uploaded file? And why is the orientation different when viewed in full size?

I love a mystery.

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