Does anyone have common ancestors to Horace Herman Puckett, switchboard operator in Dukedom Tennessee?

+3 votes
Horace Herman Puckett was (I believe ) born in 1887 and died on 9-21-69. He was narried to Geneva (Ginny) Pearl (Perl) Sullivan, who was born March 27,1885. They raised 2 children, Gaylon Verble, born august 10,1918, and Virginia born 1922. Horace had several sibs. Manuel, Pug, Lena, and there were more but I cant remember their names. Thanks for your time and for any help you might be able to afford. e
in Genealogy Help by
retagged by Chris Whitten

1 Answer

+2 votes
Hi - I have no common ancestors to HORACE HERMAN PUCKETT, but I did find some great information for you!

I will start with the death of HORACE HERMAN PUCKETT and work backwards in time.  In the Social Security Death Index, there is record of HORACE H PUCKETT, born April 23, 1888 and died Sept. 1969; his last residence at time of death was Fultoh, Fulton Co., Kentucky.

In the "Kentucky Death Index", there is record of HORACE H PUCKETT, died Sept. 21, 1969 in Fulton Co. Kentucky - Volume 44, Certificate #21624.

On the website,, there is a memorial for HORACE H PUCKETT, buried in the Clark's Cemetery in Hickman Co., Kentucky.  Grave marker reads "1888-1969 - Husband of Pearl".  His "memorial number" on is #72230825.

On the website,, there is a memorial for PEARL PUCKETT, buried in the Clark's Cemetery in Hickman Co., Kentucky.  Grave marker reads "1885-1980 - Wife of Horace H".  Her "memorial number" on is #72230903.

On January 3, 1941, HORRACE HERMAN PUCKETT applied for a "Delayed Birth Certificate". He states that he was born on April 23, 1887 in Dresden, Weakley Co., Tennessee; his father is TOM LANE PUCKETT, who was born in Clinton, Kentucky; his mother is MARY ADELINE NORMAN, who was born in Dresden, TN.; his parents were married when he was born and he was the 4th child of his mother.

I found HORACE & PEARL PUCKETT on the 1940 Weakley Co., TN Census, living on Dickerborn-Latham Road:

Head of household, H H PUCKETT, age 52, he rents his home for $5 per month, born in Kentucky, he completed 7th grade, occupation is "telephone operator at telephone exchange"; he worked 52 weeks in 1939 and earned $228.

Wife, PEARL PUCKETT, age 55, born in Kentucky, she completed 8th grade, occupation is "telephone operator at telephone exchange", she worked 52 weeks in 1939 and earned $228.

Daughter, VIRGINIA PUCKETT, age 17, born in TN, she completed 9th grade, occupation is "telephone operator at telephone exchange", she worked 52 weeks in 1939 and earned $228.

I found HORACE and PEARL on the 1930 Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan Census:

Head of household, HORACE PUCKETT, age 42, he rents his home for $28 per month, first married at age 23, born in TN, occupation is "eletrician - auto plant".

Wife, PERL PUCKETT, age 45, first married at age of 25, born in KY.

Son, VERBLE PUCKETT, age 11, born in TN.

Daughter, VIRGINIA PUCKETT, age 7, born in KY.

I found HORACE and GENEVIA on the 1920 Civil District 4, Weakley Co., TN Census:

Head of household, HORACE H PUCKETT, age 31, he rents his home, born in TN, parents born in KY, he is a miller - gristmill.

Wife, GENEVIA M PUCKETT, age 32, born in KY, parents born in TN.

Son, GALEN V PUCKETT, age 1 year 4 months, born in TN.

In HORACE'S application for a delayed birth certificate we learned that his father was TOM LANE PUCKETT and his mother was MARY ADELINE NORMAN.

In the "Kentucky Death Records, 1852-1953", we find HORACE'S father, THOMAS LANE PUCKETT - died August 11, 1928 in Mayfield, Graves Co., Kentucky.  The Death Record states that he was born May 1, 1860 in Kentucky and died at the age of 68 years 3 months 10 days; his occupation is carpenter; his father is JOHN PUCKETT, who was born in Kentucky; his mother is MARY KIMBALL, who was born in Kentucky.  The informant of this Death Record is MANUEL PUCKETT.  The cause of death was "endocarditis".  He was buried in the Via Cemetery on Aug. 13, 1928.

On the website,, there is a memorial for THOMAS LAIN PUCKETT, grave maker reads May 1, 1860 - Aug. 11, 1928.  He is buried in the Via Cemetery in Hickman Co., Kentucky.  His memorial # is 17879555.

Now for HORACE's mother, MARY ANN (ADELINE) NORMAN PUCKETT - In the "Kentucky  Death Records, 1852-1953", there is:  MARY ANN PUCKETT, born April 21, 1863 in Tennessee, and died April 18, 1925 in Pilot Oak, Graves Co., Kentucky, at the age of 61 years 11 months 27 days; her occupation was "housewife"; her father is JOE NORMAN, who was born in North Carolina; her mother is FLORA ANN NORMAN, who was born in "don't know".  The "informant" was T L PUCKETT.  MARY's cause of death was "organic heart disease - duration of 2 years; with contributory cause of "acute indigestion".  She was buried in the Via Cemetery on April 20, 1925.

On the website,, there is MOLLIE A PUCKETT; marker reads "Feb. 22 1861 - April 18, 1925 - Wife of Thomas L Puckett"; she is buried in the Via Cemetery in Hickman Co., KY; her memorial # is 17879563.

I found TOM and MARY "MOLLIE" PUCKETT on the 1920 Pilot Oak, Graves Co., Kentucky Census:

Head of household, T L PUCKETT, age 63, he owns his home free of mortgage, born in KY, parents born in Virginia, he is a farmer.

Wife, M A PUCKETT, age 58, born in TN, parents born in TN.

Son, R T PUCKETT, age 13, born in KY.

Son, L E PUCKETT, age 9, born in KY.

I found TOM and MARY "MOLLIE" PUCKETT on the 1910 Dist. 3, Hickman Co., Kentucky Census, living on "upper Mayfield & Clinton Road:

Head of household, TOM PUCKETT, age 51, this is his first marriage, married 30 years, born in KY, parents born in KY, he is a farmer.

Wife, MOLLIE PUCKETT, age 46, this is her first marrige, married 30 years, she has had 14 children, with 12 still living, born in TN, parents born in KY.

Son, ALVIE PUCKETT, age 26, born in KY, farm laborer.

Son, ATHEL PUCKETT, age 14, born in KY, farm laborer.

Son, ORBERY PUCKETT, age 11, born in KY.

Daughter, ANNIE PUCKETT, age 17, born in KY.

Son, LENNIE PUCKETT, age 9, born in KY.

Daughter, LENA PUCKETT, age 9, born in KY.

Son, RAYMON PUCKETT, age 4, born in KY.

Son, LEON PUCKETT, age 9 months, born in KY.

I found TOM "THOMAS" and MARY PUCKETT on the 1900 Buggs, Hickman Co., Kentucky Census:

Head of household, THOMAS PUCKETT, age 43, born May 1857 in KY, married 20 years, parents born in North Carolina, he rents his home, he is a farmer.

Wife, MARY A PUCKETT, age 36, born April 1864 in TN, married 20 years, she has had 8 children, with 8 still living, parents born in North Carolina.

Son, MANUEL PUCKETT, age 19, born Aug 1880 in KY, farm laborer.

Son, EZRA E PUCKETT, age 13, born Dec 1886 in TN, farm laborer.

Son, HORACE H PUCKETT, age 11, born April 1189 in TN, farm laborer.  (THIS IS YOURS!)

Daughter, EMONA PUCKETT, age 8, born Oct 1891 in KY.

Daughter, ANNIE PUCKETT, age 6, born Dec 1893 in KY.

Son, THOMAS A PUCKETT, age 3, born June 1896 in KY.

Son, JAMES PUCKETT, age 1, born Dec 1899 in KY.

Well, that's about all for now!  I had to type all this twice, as the first time I hit the wrong key and it deleted everything!

Hope this helps you in your search!  Sincerely, Melinda
by Melinda A G2G6 Mach 1 (16.8k points)

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