can I delete my tree?

+4 votes
After 500 attempts I have not found any matches on tree. Can I upload another tree with different ancestors?
in Genealogy Help by Living Ballard G2G Rookie (280 points)
recategorized by Keith Baker

1 Answer

+4 votes

Perry: (These are merely my initial thoughts and reactions to your question - i do NOT mean to judge your actions, just to cahllenge you to re-think them a  little)

According to your Profile page, you signed the Honor Code and Volunteered to be a WikiTree genealogist.  Also there, you commented that you would be happy to help others and contribute.

WikiTree is a public project to build a FREE, WORLD-WIDE family tree - not my tree, and your tree but OUR tree.  All your contributions in the few days since you joined will in some way help that goal.  Deleting those contribution would defeat that goal.

There is NO NEED to delete anything you have done!  That you have not found any family members yet does NOT MEAN you won't find some in the future - this is an ONGOING WORK IN PROGRESS.  Often times OTHERS (cousins?) will find you!!

Also, you are certainly free to create Profiles for others that you have, (family or not), and thus continue to help yoursef and others in completing the puzzle collectively known as Genealogy.

Lastly, PLEASE reread the mission statement and Honor Code and the Volunteer question again as you consider the value of WikiTree and your contributions to it.  Every contributor here is important, as are YOU! cool




by Keith Baker G2G6 Pilot (109k points)

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