looking for information on william allen funkhouser born oct 7 1845 in vigo co indiana.

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William Allen funkhouser married Esther Shirley. They are my ggggrandparents. I am trying to find information on William Allen funkhouser's parents. Thanks for any information you may have. Mg
in Genealogy Help by

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The 1850 US Census taken at Fayette, Vigo, IN has Allen Funkhouser 5y old. His father is Isaac 33y born VA, mother, Hila 32y born NC. All six of Allen were born in IN.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
selected by Mary Robinson
Just a comment on the Funkhouser line. In the beginning all came from Switzerland to Pennsylvavnia in the 18th century. Good records on that line which loosely interpreted was "Place of the Bear Traps" go back to the 14th and 15th century, the name spelling changing to Fankhauser. They settled there and in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. There was some back and forth movement between the two places depending on the Indian raids in Pennsylvania. The movement was generally westward, from Pennsylvania to Indiana (a few to Ohio), then to Illinois, spreading out from there. I currently have about 89 famiies of Funkhousers in my genealogy. My 6th ggfather was Jacob Fankhauser, his wife Verena "Fronica" Evick. He was born about 1700 in Switzerland, dying in 1761 at Tumbling Run, Frederick, Virginia.

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