Is there a way to remove names from my watchlist that are not on my gedcom?

+5 votes
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Fowler G2G1 (1.2k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
A name is on your watchlist because you're on the trusted list for the person's WikiTree profile. Remove yourself from the trusted list (the privacy tab on a profile) & the name's gone from your trusted list (I would recommend you stay on the trusted list if it's a person who might be in your tree and the profile's not open).

If your question was how to remove a lot at a time... you can do "bulk trusted list changes." On your Watchlist page, click "more info" in the first line.  Then click the "in bulk" link at the end of the second paragraph. That will take you to the page that will walk you through making bulk changes to your trusted list.

by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (688k points)
selected by Wendy Hampton
Liz is exactly right. Thank you, Liz. (By the way, this just pushed you over 6,000 points; you now have the G2G6 badge.)

A direct link to the bulk Trusted List changes tool that Liz mentions:
+2 votes

The question asks that people not on GEDCOM be removed from their watchlist.

It seems to me that this questions asks that profiles that are not in their family should be removed from their watchlist. This would isolate them from the One Tree wouldnl't it? 

Doesn't this defeat the purpose of WikiTree?

by Tom Bredehoft G2G6 Pilot (216k points)
This doesn't necessarily isolate them from the shared tree. The Watchlist just shows which profiles you can edit and get updates from. You can still be connected to other profiles in the tree without being on the trusted list for them.
I think the question is more of clutter.  Sometimes it is kind of a pain to have to go through several pages to find the person you're looking for.  There should be a way to have a list of only direct relatives.  For some of us whe have contributed to thousands of names but only a couple hundred are actually direct relatives.  I asked previously if there was a way to sort based on relationship to me.  Maybe we could have a second watchlist where we could select which profiles to put on that watchlist.  I was going to remove myself from some of the trusted lists to reduce clutter but it said I couldn't because I was the only manager.

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