Where did John Gibson and Julia Orange come from?

+3 votes

This is my most frustrating brick wall! John Gibson and Julia Orange are my 4x great grandparents, and I can't find anything about them before they were married (including their marriage record).

1852 census: http://automatedgenealogy.com/census52/View.jsp?id=20838

Discussion about John Gibson that cites his military record: http://www.bytown.net/gibson.htm

John Gibson is either from England or Ireland (the 1852 census says England, but I've seen people cite a military record that says Ireland). His age in the census suggests he was born in 1787, and the military record suggests 1781.

Julia is even more elusive. I got her maiden name from some of her children's marriage records. Occasionally people call her Julia Ann Hornsby Orange, though I haven't actually found a record that says that. The Internet seems to be full of people talking about her, yet not a record in sight!

Judging by the censuses, Julia was born around 1815-1821. Some of the censuses say she was born in Ontario, but most say Quebec.

Anything at all about these two would be helpful! A marriage record, a birth record for either one of them, anything. Julia's father was born in Ireland, according to her census records, so breaking this brick wall is my key to getting a Certificate of Irish Heritage! (And that would be so neat!)


WikiTree profile: John Gibson
in Genealogy Help by Liander Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (464k points)
edited by Jillaine Smith

1 Answer

0 votes
HI Lianne!

I just noticed this post is missing the WikiTree profile link.  Did you ever break through the brick wall?
by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
I must have missed the email notification for this answer! Sorry Eowyn! No, I have made no progress on this line. Not that I've spent much time researching them since posting this question. Perhaps I'll return to this family for a bit and see if looking at it with fresh eyes will help.

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