This is a tough one! Listed in the 1931 Charlotte North Carolina City Directory is:
TRAVIS B (DOROTHY) OGBURN, driver, residence 120 (22) N. Cedar
Listed on the 1932 Charlotte North Carolina City Directory is:
DOROTHY OGBURN, residence 1204 S. Tyron
Listed in the 1941 Charlotte North Carolina City Directory is:
TRAVIS OGBURN, salesman, residence 312 Morningside Drive; also listed as livingt at this same address is: CARROLL E (ADELYN I) OGBURN.
Did TRAVIS OGBURN's ex-wife, DOROTHY GARDNER, marry HALL M JOHNSTON? There is record of the death of DOROTHY GARDNER JOHNSTON on October 22, 1974 in Charlotte, North Carolina. She was born June 8, 1910; daughter of JOHN A GARDNER and LOLA GRICE.
DID DONALD LEE OGBURN go by the surname "THOMPSON"? There is record of the death of DONALD LEE THOMPSON on Dec 12, 1985 in Charlotte - born Sept. 9, 1930.
DONALD was born shortly after the enumeration of the 1930 Census - His mother, DOROTHY, is found on the 1930 Charoltte, Mecklenburg Co., NC Census, living with her parents, age 19 - she was attending college.
DOROTHY and her 2nd husband, HALL JOHNSTON, are found on the 1940 Sharon, Mecklenburg Co., NC Census, but her son, DONALD is not listed as living in the household;
Are you positive that TRAVIS's middle name is BERNARD? I tried every trick I know and could find nothing more on a TRAVIS BERNARD OGBURN.
Hope that this information will help you in some way. Sincerely, Melinda