does anyone know of a waldmann born 1873 in tilsit, germany?

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in Genealogy Help by Living Waldman G2G Rookie (220 points)

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Do you have any first names for some with the Waldmann surname?  Marriage and or a death year and location would help? Isn't Tilsit in East Prussia?
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
There were 5 or six children.  Paul Hugo, Robert Otho,  Elma, Emil and Clara.  Parents were Carl Ludwig (1844?), a tailor and Amalia M. (1849?).  Paul Hugo and Robert Otho were born in Tilsit, East Prussia.  They came to Chicago in 1884.  I have American records after this time but nothing for prior to 1884.  And I  cannot read the german records.

C. L. Waldman was born Dec 1844 in Germany. He married Amelia M. At the time of the 1900 US Census they were living at ED 87 West Lewiston  Precinct, Lewiston City, Nez Perce, Idaho. C.L. was 56y, Amelia M. was 51, son P.H. was 28y, daughter Clara was 17y,  daughter Elma Dreckman was 25y, grandson, Harold Dreckman 5y was the only on in the household not born in Germany, but in IL. Son, P. H. ( Paul Hugo) Waldman who was 28 in 1900, could have been born in 1873 in Germany (Tilsit, East Prussia). 

Carl Ludwig Waldmann married Emilie Sophie Luise Heinecke on 12 April 1898 at Hannover, Hannover, Prussia, Germany. It would have been impossible for this couple who married in 1898, to be the parents of so many children as in the 1900 US Census. 

Here is a birth record in English for Emil Gustav Karl Waldmann, born 25 Mar 1876 at Stettin, Pommern, Prusen, Germany. His parents are Carl Friedrich August Waldmann and his mother is Alwine Emilie Ernestine Sarnow.  

Thank you, I have compared these records.  The Sarnow is questionable. I have recovered most of these records online, just none for Germany. I was hoping wikitree would be my breakthrough.

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