Kia ora, kei te kī koe kei te kore te whakamāori i te tika, he aha te taputapu e whai ana koe? He tino whakapono au ka āwhina te AI ki te whakapai ake i ngā whakamāoritanga. Ahakoa me tuhituhi te profaile i ngā reo e rua, he pai ki te whiwhi i te āheitanga ki te kōwhiri ko te reo e kitea ai. Te hiahia au ki te whai i ōku kōpaki katoa, ā, ki te hono ki tētahi profaile i tētahi reo, ka rongo ahau i ō rātou kōrero, kia mārama, ā, ka hiahia kia kaha rātou ki te pānui i aku whakapuaki. Ka taea e koe te whakakī i tēnei mōhio?
Hello, when you say it doesn't translate correctly, what tool are you using? I believe AI could help in making translations more accurate. Even if the profile must be written in both languages, it would be nice to have the option to choose which language to view it in. I want to follow my roots wherever they may lead, and if I connect to a profile in another language, I would be interested in understanding what they have to say, just as I want them to be able to read what I post.