Frank Kline married Zula A. Blanchard 20 Jan 1898 at Dex Moines, Polk Co., IA. He was 25 and Zula was 19 years old. Her parents were George Blanchard and Elizabeth Reno. His parents were J. W. Kline and Hannah Strick.
The 1910 US Census has Frank Kline head of the household at Clear Creek, Jasper, Iowa. He is 36y old, wife Anna is 28, dau. Lucy M. is 11, Johnie W. is 9, Peter W. is 4 and all were born in Iowa except Frank Kline's father, John W. Kline who was 49y and born in Maryland. Frank Kline's mother was born in Ohio, but not in this census.
The 1930 US Census has Frank Kline in Des Moines, Polk Co., IA. He is 56, wife Zula A. is 48, Nellie is 11, Harold is 4, son-in-law Herbert Judd 19 born MO is married to Frank and Zula's daughter, Jenne Judd who is 18.
1940 US Census has Frank and Anne Kline in Ward 8, Dex Moines, Lee Twp., Polk Co., IA. Son Harold is 14 a the only other person in the household.