How is our Victorian tree going? Victoria, Australia profiles update

+13 votes

Hi Wikitreers

It has been more than six months since I last checked-in on our statistical progress for Victorian profiles on Wikitree, using Wikitree+ (G2G: 18 Aug 2023).

What do you think of our progress?


Data Doctor Unsourced Reports indicate 1,561,251 (4.17%) of Wikitree profiles may be considered “Australian”, of which 488,005 may be considered “Victorian”. There are 40,892 (9.15%) more Victorian profiles now than when I last checked on 18 August 2023 (197.5 new Victorian profiles per day).

‘Needs’ categories

 Maintenance categories on Wikitree serve as 'site-wide to-do lists'. While the Australian-specific ‘Needs’ categories no longer exist (done away with by the Australia Project in 2020), analysis of the number of Victorian profiles in ‘Needs’ categories is possible with Wikitree+. This analysis is time‑consuming when compared to scanning the numbers in Australian-specific categories, but unfortunately there is no other way.

  • 'Needs Biography' is currently tagged to around 14,570 profiles (down 1166 compared to 18 August 2023). A search on Wikitree+ suggests that 6641 (up 606) of these had a birth, death or marriage in Australia and 4968 (down 450) had a birth, death or marriage in Victoria
  • 'Needs Birth Record' is currently tagged to around 28,780 profiles (up 774). A search on Wikitree+ suggests that 22,039 (up 976) of these had a birth, death or marriage in Australia; 10,334 (down 14) are stated to have been born in Australia); 20,296 (up 1175) had a birth, death or marriage in Victoria. 8432 (up 120) are stated to have been born in Victoria).
  • Needs Marriage Record' is currently tagged to around 13,023 profiles (down 148). A search on Wikitree+ suggests that 8565 (down 52) of these had a birth, death or marriage in Australia (2781 (down 133) are stated to have married in Australia). 7488 (up 9) had a birth, death or marriage in Victoria, while 1816 (down 104) are stated to have married in Victoria).
  • 'Needs Death Record' is currently tagged to around 39,004 profiles (up 26). A search on Wikitree+ suggests that 31689 (down 70) of these had a birth, death or marriage in Australia (7658 (down 1384) are stated to have died in Australia) and 31,689 (up 1620) had a birth, death or marriage in Victoria. 4763 (down 1482) are stated to have died in Victoria).
  • 'Unsourced' is currently tagged to around 926 profiles  (up 209), according to the Data Doctors table (the table includes Victoria, Unsourced; and Unsourced with location tagged Victoria, Australia).
  • 'Needs More Research' is currently tagged to around 7,043 profiles (up 434). A search on Wikitree+ suggests that 6003 (up 377) of these had a birth, death or marriage in Australia and 5889 (up 314) had a birth, death or marriage in Victoria. In many cases, these profiles require sources for children named in their profiles.
  • 'Australia, Needs Profiles Created' is currently tagged to around 12,307 profiles (up 1329). A search on Wikitree+ suggests that 7851 (up 545) of these had a birth, death or marriage in Victoria.

Connecting the unconnected

Unconnected Lists suggest there are around 28,692 unconnected Victorian profiles (down 858), including 5,223 unlinked profiles (up 109).

WikiTree profile: Space:Victoria,_Australia
in The Tree House by Clare Spring G2G6 Mach 9 (90.6k points)

3 Answers

+14 votes
Best answer
Thanks Clare. It is interesting to see the progress and how the numbers are changing over time.
by Steve Thomas G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
selected by Clare Spring

Thanks Steve! I wanted also to do analysis on the 'versus total' (as I did last time) - but it's so picky going through the Wikitree+ histograms!

There must be a better way - I will ask on G2G later today if I remember


+11 votes
Thanks for the update.

WA is increasing in the low 50s of profiles per day for comparison. So Victoria is about four times the rate.

I wonder if that’s a similar per capita total historical population rate? It probably is. I wonder how that rate compares to other countries? Well, I hope.

The present day population of WA vs Vic is 2.8 vs 6.8 million, but 1901 was 189k vs 1,200k.
by Mark Dorney G2G6 Mach 7 (70.6k points)
+8 votes
Thanks for sharing this analysis Clare - it certainly helps keep the focus on adding fully sourced profiles.
by Nigel Clark G2G6 Mach 4 (42.7k points)

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