looking for living relatives of Alan Vivian Randall, born 1900 Epsom, Surrey UK

+3 votes
Please help me find any living relatives of Alan Vivian Randall. He was born in Epsom Surrey in 1900. I am trying to locate my grandfather's family. Tx
in Genealogy Help by

3 Answers

+3 votes
You might want to get a directory of residents of Epsom, Surrey, UK and see how many with the  Randall surname live there.

I did that a few years ago, only in the USA. Then, by writing a letter with a self addressed stamped envelope inside with the return address on it, about 25 or 30 letters went out. Two responses led to contacts who were related and wanting to share information.

It could be one approach to obtaining names and making contacts with your living Randall relatives.

by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Thank you Frank, I will try your suggestion. Hopefully I will be fortunate enough to get some information that way.
I know that in the USA, switchboard.com is a good source of information on living people that someone may want to contact. Maybe there is a similar "find a person" site for the UK, but I am not aware of it.

If there is a way to look up living Randalls in Surrey, UK, it could be a supplement or alternative to the letter writing campaign.
+3 votes
Hey! I am family of Alan Vivian Randall who was born in Epsom, Surrey in 1900 and later married Dorothy May Bare in 1930!

Dorothy was the daughter of Alfred Clifford Bare and Kate Maria Woodrow, both from London (Camden, to be exact).

Kate's sister (Dorothy's aunt) was Agnes Woodrow.

Alan was the son of John Charles Randall.

Contact me, we're family!
+2 votes
This is a publication fom the London Gazette describing Alfred Clifford Bare's inheritance of a house to Alan Vivian Randall (Flight Lieutenant) http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/35689/pages/3842/page.pdf

Give me your contact details so that we can share information about our living relatives!

You can email me at eduardosami (at) gmail.com

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