Info on Marie Ursula de Lessep married to Francois Gustav du Bois fr Bordeaux region early to mid 19th century ?

+4 votes
They had a son by the name of Francois Gustav , who travelled to the east  and then settled in South Africa instead.  He was a lawyer or advocate .
in Genealogy Help by
retagged by Keith Hathaway

1 Answer

0 votes
Can you share what year the parents married and what year their son was born?

Would you have a country, county and or city for the marriage and or for their son's birth location?
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Thanks for the response.   As far as we know ,the son Francois Gustav , was born 1818 and lived in Bordeaux . We are not sure of his place of birth and where the parents who were Marie Ursula and father , Francois Gustav (we assume  that he carried his father's name)  were married.   We presume it was in the same region.      We understand that he had an adopted sister by the name of Marie de Coligny and that she moved to the USA and later retired and passed on in  Algiers.
I have been searching at  for the people in your post. There are some results for the Francois Dubois name. One was born in France in 1780 and lived in New Orleans, Louisane during the 1860 US Census. Another by that name was born in France in 1783 and also was living in Louisiana, but in the 1870 US Census.

You may want to try that site too, as you are closer to the family and may have more insight as to where to look in terms of geography and time line go.

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