How do I make a gecom file out of family tree maker?

+5 votes
How do I make a gedcom file out of my family tree maker file?
in Genealogy Help by Living King G2G Crew (910 points)

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IN FTM 2012, you (1) select "Export" under the File menu, then (2) select "GEDCOM 5.5" under "Output Format", select the people you want to include, and check which data you want to include, then (3) select "Other" for "Destination" (UTF-8 should be automatically selected for the Character Set), and (4) name the output file (with a "ged" extension) and save.  Should be similar in earlier versions of FTM.
by Terry Kraft G2G1 (1.6k points)
selected by Living Barnett
I have 17500 names on my tree it tells me its too big as there is 5000 limit how do I reduce to 5000 to import it
One of the steps in creating a Gedcom in FTM is to select the individuals to include.  You can then select a branch of your tree by selecting the youngest person in that branch, and adding all ancestors and descendants of those ancestors.  By being methodical in your branch selection, you can end up processing everyone.  But then be sure to carefully use GEDCompare (see in WikiTree - you don't want to upload people who are already in WikiTree, unless you have lots of sourced facts that the person in WikiTree doesn't have, and are willing to go through the merge process.  And note that there are other limits to uploading Gedcoms as noted in GedCompare.

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