"R" category (for Request) in Watchlist possible?

+6 votes

I'd added this as an answer (soon to be revised or deleted), but it's really a related question.

Would it be possible to have a profile added to your watchlist - maybe an R category, for requested? - when you ask to be added to the trusted list? That would have the added benefit that you'd be notified of activitiy (like if the profile manager starts managing again - you could re-request; or if the profile gets orphaned, you could then adopt it).

Just a thought... not sure what it would entail technically.


in Genealogy Help by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (679k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

I can't say this is an official answer, but here's what I'd do. When wanting to be added to a Trusted list, I look at the profile page of the Profile Manager. I click on the link to their Contributions. This displays a dated list of when they last made any changes. If their last change was over a year ago, then I'd send a request to info@wikitree.com requesting to be added to the Trusted List of a page with an inactive profile manager.

Be sure to include how you're related to the profile in question.

-- Jillaine
by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (950k points)

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