How does this work.

+6 votes
Hi there.  I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm having difficulty figuring out this site.  I signed up 2 days ago.  I have already been working on my tree on, therefore I already have a lot of information in an existing Gedcom which I uploaded 2 days ago.  At least I assume I did.  It's still not showing up and I really don't know what I"m doing.  The site is tricky to figure out.  At least for me.  When I look at my own tree, it still shows must me with no ancestors.  So I'm stuck.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much,

Paul Schram
in Genealogy Help by Paul Schram G2G1 (1.2k points)

3 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
Hi Paul, welcome to WikiTree! Like Keith said, it's not a stupid question. :)

You GEDCOM has been uploaded. The next step is for you to review your GEDMatches report, here:

Just follow the instructions on that page. This is where you skip people who already have profiles on WikiTree, people named Unknown that don't really contain any information, etc. One you approve that, one of us (the sysops) will approve it, and then it will be imported and the profiles will be created.

I hope that clears things up!
by Liander Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (464k points)
selected by Keith Baker
+2 votes

First off, thanks for your interest and patience and for asking your question here.

No, it is NOT a stupid question.  You need to know that it sometimes takes a couple of days for a new GEDCOM file uploaded to the WikiTree to be available for you to view. I won't attempt to explain that process because it is a bit complex and I don't have a total grasp of it myself.

If you will refer pull down menus at the top of this page (same as on any WikiTree page) you will find GEDCOMS under the 'Add' menu.  There are many helpful pointers and links there.  Please give that a try.  Meanwhile one of those well-versed in the GEDCOM process may come along and provide a more helpful reply.

Again, thanks,

by Keith Baker G2G6 Pilot (109k points)
0 votes
Paul, I agree it is a little confusing and I've been on a lot of genealogy sites. I've only been here a couple of days to so hopefully it will get better.
by Marlene Parsons G2G Crew (670 points)
If you're having trouble with anything, don't hesitate to ask! :)

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