The Schram Line

+1 vote
Hi.  I'm looking for information on my father's side of the family.  I started doing my tree a few years ago and managed to get about 1309 names on my mother's side, going back to the year 1080.  I used and through that site I found a ton of matches.  But in all my searching (and I'm not a genealogist so I don't really know what to do) I've never found a single match on my dad's side.  I know his father and mother's names.  Although my dad and his only sibling, his brother, couldn't agree on the spelling, or even the pronunciation of their mother's maiden name.  Plus my last name is Schram with one "M".  My great-grandfather, and possibly my grandfather had 2 "M"s at the end of their last name.  And even when I've checked the massive database online that's maintained by the Mormons in Utah, there's nothing.  It's like we never existed before my great grandfather.  Short of hiring a professional genealogist (which I can't afford) does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might find even one match to a name on my dad's side?  I've found that even one match can lead to another, then another, and so on.

Thank you very much

Paul Schram

Burlington Ontario, Canada
in Genealogy Help by Paul Schram G2G1 (1.2k points)
This is a day late and a dollar short, but I live about 1.5 hours away from Scotland, South Dakota.  Hope this helps!
Thanks Jill. Since I asked this originally I’ve found a fairly long line of Schramms going back 300 years or so. And it appears only my grandfather was born in Pierre. His father was born in Austria. So with some time and no small amount of patience I finally found those ancestors.

Paul Schram

2 Answers

0 votes

Hi Paul  

Below is a link to the free search at listing people with the name Schram/Schram/Schrum/Schrom etc residing in Canada from 1870-1940 - dates I put in the search tool - for whom there are records.  I put Canada because of your location, don't know if that is correct for your ancestors.   They run the gamut of being born in Austria, Russia, Germany, US etc as well as born in Canada, from as early as 1814 to the early 1900's. 

If you provided the names of your grandparents, approximate dates and location of birth/marriage/death, with your question someone might be able to assist you, more specifically than this link with some .  7,000+ results.

You can just click edit or comment to the right to add any details that might help in the search.

If you've already tried that site, sorry!  was worth a shot.

by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (909k points)
Thank you very much for the help.  Unfortunately my family is not on there.  I guess we really did just srping into existence.  Thanks again.

Well if you don't provide the names of the grandparents, dates/approximate dates and location of b,m, d  it's hard for anyone to try to help.
Oh, I didn't know I could do that.  My name is Paul Schram.  My father is Richard Schram, born in Regina, Saskatchewan Dec.20, 1032.  His father was Henry Schram, possibly "Schramm" with 2 "M"s, born February 24, 1902 in Pierre, South Dakota.  His father was Philip Schramm with 2 "M"s  of unknown birth date but I believe he was also born in South Dakota.  I know my dad's mother's name was Mary and either Mayer, or Meyer was her maiden name.  We're not sure.  She was born September 26, 1906 in Saskatchewan.  I know my grandfather's family emmigrated to Canada in the early teens of the 20th century.  

Thank you again very much

Paul Schram
+1 vote

Paul – you must take this data with a HUGE grain of rock salt.  This Phillip and Christina Schramm of unknown!  But foreign birth location  - are living in 1900 in SD.  They immigrated in 1889.  Their children are listed as born in Scotland, which is obviously NOT the case if the parents were in the US prior to any of those births.  So the census taker didn’t get the accent and wrote down Scotland  - possibly instead of South Dakota? 

This apparent same couple, still with children Fred and Helena of the correct ages, are in Sasketchewan in 1916 census, listing their immigration to Canada as being 1909  – and they have a son named Henry born the correct year as your grandfather – however he is listed as being born in Russia as are Fred and Helena, and 2 younger brother.  Remainder of Henry’s siblings b. in Saskatchewan.   

Think it over, and good luck!

United States Census, 1900

Citing this Record   "United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch (

head  Phillip Schramm  M 28 Mar 1872 GER  married abt 1893 immig 1889

wife  Christena Schramm F 25 May 1875 GER  3 children 3 living

son  Fred Schramm M 6 Dec 1894 SCOT

dau  Amelia Schramm F 3 May 1897 Scot

dau  Haelina Schramm F 1 Oct 1899 Scot

boarder  Henry Diver M 20 Illinois

Canada Census, 1916  Saskatchewan, Canada  30 Swift Current, sub district number: 08  enumeration district: 11 

Citing this Record  "Canada Census, 1916," index, FamilySearch (

self  Phillip Schramm M 45y Russia immig 1909

wife  Christina Schramm F 42y Russia

son  Fred Schramm M 21y Russia

dau  Helen Schramm F 18y Russia

son  Henry Schramm  M 14y Russia

son  Rudolph Schramm M 12y Russia

son  Herbert Schramm M 8y Russia

dau  Clara Schramm F 5y Saskatchewan

son  Albert Schramm M 4y Saskatchewan

son  August Schramm M 2y Saskatchewan




by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (909k points)

Hello Paul
If you look at Geneanet geographical origin of of names   Netherlands + Belgium (brabant)

Schramm (france Alsace and germany Schwarzwald)

Schramme ( belgium near coast Bruges)

Von Schramm  only a few names entered

You will notice that we're talking a very high concentration In the former region of Brabant , and the rhine Moselle area  between basel and trier

That is where your origins will lead you as you progress

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