Pvt. Johnson Elihu Boutwell (1837 - 1908) P.O.W. “Escaped From Prison” of the 106th New York

+8 votes

Hi Wikitreers,

Opening research into some interesting facts not yet further researched. We have a Private Johnson Elihu Boutwell (1837 - 1908) of the glorious 106th New York Infantry Regiment Vols, Company B

He was born we believe in New York as he did enlist on July 29, 1862, at Morristown…

It appears he had quit a service being a P.O.W. and apparently escaped from prison?

So many questions remain years after as we attemp to connect him further…

1.) Does he have an obituary? It appears he passed away in the great state of Colorado.

2.) Which Confederate Rebel Prison was he a P.O.W. and the exact one he eventually Escaped? 

3.) Did he marry or have children?

Any further collaboration in this veteran of the U.S. Civil War is appreciated. 

Thank you 

A source cited The Civil War Memoirs of Johnson E. Boutwell, Union Soldier His Capture and Life as a Prisoner of War, and His Escape and Return to Union Lines By Johnson E. Boutwell · 1995 see Link

Unable to locate source to read his story yet

WikiTree profile: Johnson Boutwell
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (813k points)
retagged by Andrew Simpier

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

There is a biography of his son Cyrus in The History of Colorado by Wilbur Fiske Stone:


It has some information on the father, too.

by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
selected by Andrew Simpier
This source says he escaped from Andersonville prison.
Thank you Roger,

This gives the wife as a Ruth E. Swan (maiden). The son is Cyrus Boutwell who seems to have been very successful in his business…

A great source to build upon!

It does mention Andersonville!

The source verified a lot of what is on his FindAGrave memorial 

See https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/185547760/cyrus_chester-boutwell

+7 votes
A file at Fold3, lists his birth in Jefferson, New York.  I added that to your research notes along with the citation. That tends to confirm the location listed on Find a Grave.

That file also lists alternate spelling that may appear on cards used for the CMSR: Johnson E Boutwal
by Norman Jones G2G6 Pilot (189k points)
edited by Norman Jones

Thank you yes

Hi Norman,

I’m wondering if we should categorize him in the Andersonville Prisoners of War  category it appears he escaped in route?

“he was taken to Richmond but escaped while being transferred to Andersonville”


That is a good point. I checked the Andersonville records. He was not listed. The only soldier from the 106th New York whose last name started with the letter B was Joseph Bolton, Co. B.

I also checked names starting with the letter J (in case the names got reversed in prison records). He was not there.

Given that he escaped before reaching Andersonville and that Andersonville records do not include him, I would think he should not be in the Andersonville category.

Thank you Norman,

I would agree as you mentioned he technically was not held at the P.O.W camp a prisoner, but he was one of the more fortunate who escaped by a miracle! He made it to D.C. and freedom…I’m sure the journey home is some story as it seems it took him 3 months! 

Appreciate the collaboration yes

Edited: typos

Fortunate is an understatement. Life at Andersonville was miserable.

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