how can I get a page unmerged?

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There is a page for Peter Antonio A La Franch. It comes from merging three Peter Antonio Lafranchi pages.

It states that peter antonio lafranchi who was a resident of daylesford at the time of becoming a naturalised australian citizen was married to a second wife may ireland.

There is a peter antonio lafranchi who was naturalised in daylesford but he was not the same peter antonio lafranchi that married may ireland.

I understand they were 1st cousins. They both came from ticino switzerland in I believe jun and jul on the young america and the gertrude in 1858 which is probably where most of the confusion comes from.

The pietro antonio lafranchi that married may ireland was living in preston when he was naturlised and his naturalisation certificate is also available from the records office (my first clue to the reason I could not sort out my great grandfather's records was getting the two naturalisation records from my search). Some of my family members think the first wife sarah sanden on this page is our pietro's first wife. I think it is his cousin's wife but I am not sure. Sarah is buried in nsw as is the pietro antonio that was naturalised in daylesford.

The pietro antonio lafranchi that was naturalised in preston and was married to may ireland died and is buried in murchison vic, as peter a lafranchi from ticino switzerland. They had four children including my pop. May went back to preston to live with her son where she died and she is buried in the family plot at preston cemetery in victoria australia.

Does anyone keep copies of the 3 pietro antonio lafranchi pages from before they were merged? can they be unmerged? We are losing track of one human being here and confusing the records of the other and I would be so interested to see what info was on the pietro antonio lafranchi married to may ireland page before it was merged. I have never found evidence of 3 pietro antonio lafranchis but there were very definitely two of them and there could be two pietro antonio lafranchis and one pietro antonio la franch. One p.a.l. variously known as pietro antonio lafranchi. pietro antonio antonio lafranchi and pietro antonio a lafranchi lived in daylesford when he was naturalised and the other variously known as pietro antonio lafranchi and peter a lafranchi (and I believe a lafranchi) was living in preston married may ireland when he was naturalised.

I trawled through the family tree stuff for hundreds of hours before I realised there were two pietro antonio lafranchis that migrated to australia in 1858 so I know how easy it is to combine them but we must be more careful than this, there are clearly two sets of naturalisation papers that appear when we search the national archives.

Please help restore these two (possibly three) unique people to their separate places in history.

Heather Nangle

in Genealogy Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Heather,

Sorry, merges can't be reversed. But it's easy enough to create a new profile with the correct information. See

To find the old pre-merged information, click the Changes tab of the merged profile. Look for the item that describes the merge, and from there click on ID of the old profile. Then you can browse its history and find what it looked like before. This will be a little confusing at first.


by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
not trying to reply using personal email because my one of my big faults is being long winded - thought with your points you might be inundated, thanks chris youre right about the confusing at first bit.  I think I have done that I have at least done the first part and I found what I believe are bits of the two cousins, eg I know the 1/10/1858 is my peters dob but I have seen his grave in murchison and he died long before 1033 whereas the link still has the guy who took out citizenship (no dob on his certificate) in daylesford in 1906 with the dob of my peter who was naturalized in preston. so I think part of the original info was imported from a professional site and I have found some odd info in trial look ups there before  so I dont think the administrators are to blame and I hope we can all help each other in sorting which details belong to which pietro - I have emailed them, I am over cautious with stating something as fact or not cross checking everything I find before it goes on the books because of hundreds of hours chasing back a paternal great gf in scotland only to discover it was a close relative born and living around the corner from my relo. same name close dob son of same name as my gf but he never left scotland so it was back to the drawing board.  A cousin collected the paternal family tree whollus cabollus from someone she met on the internet and she sent it to me believing it to be correct but as I traced it back I found the same mistake so someone else had the same problem.  Ultimately it is a simple math problem a cant be the son/daughter of b because b is dead when a is born.  I told her but she was blinkered by the fact tht she had worked hard and got very little and suddenly she had the tree back to 1200 or 1400 ad handed to her so she went ahead and published her page - I cant blame her - I just dont think of it as my family tree.
This site is great though and I think finding the first composite page has meant I can help another user because I think cousin pietro and sarah are the parents of her lafranchi she has no info on.  the composite page doesn't come up when you spell the name as we do so if she doesn't realise this she will not know it exists - she can make up her own mind about 1 or 2 pietros and if the latter which one is hers.
thanks again

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