Challenge of the Week: Add missing Find A Grave connections between existing profiles

+9 votes

Hi WikiTreers,

imageAleš's data analysis has found thousands of people who are connected as parents and children or spouses on Find A Grave memorials but are not connected on WikiTree even though they both have profiles.

These Find A Grave hints are relatively easy to investigate. For example, here's how to look at items on the table for FindAGrave - Possible mother (1800-1899), i.e. 19th century mother-child connections.

Look in the Relation (Rel.) column for any child-mother pair and click the links to open their WikiTree profiles. Then click the links below those to open their Find A Grave memorials. You might want to right-click the links and keep all four open in separate tabs to review them.

Not all the information on Find A Grave is reliable. If there is a photo of a single gravestone that connects the mother and child, you can use that as your only source to connect them. Otherwise, either look for other sources to verify the connection, or mark the relationship as uncertain and add a Research Notes section on the child's profile saying that the relationship is based on Find A Grave and has not been independently verified.

Will you work on some of these with us? If so, or if you have any questions, please post below.

Thanks for helping!

in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
reshown by Aleš Trtnik
Challenge is active.

4 Answers

+5 votes
I will work on this today with focus on Minnesota and Oklahoma 1900-1999.
by Jill Slieter G2G4 (4.9k points)
+4 votes
I will work on a few.
by Revonda Wack G2G6 Mach 2 (23.8k points)
+4 votes
Sure!  I'll work on some.
by Sheila Tidwell G2G6 Mach 8 (89.6k points)
+1 vote
I'll do a few, focusing on Canada.
by Jim Patterson G2G6 Mach 1 (17.3k points)

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