So while waiting for my DNA test results, I vividly remember being confident it would come back at least 75% Asian, both because I'm Turkish and because I really look Asian—so much so that while I was living in China, locals were genuinely surprised to learn I wasn’t Chinese! Plus, my father, whose father is Crimean Tatar, once told me we’re related to Genghis Khan lol.
Yet according to Ancestry, I’m 95% European. My Asian ancestry was cited as 4% Central Asian (so maybe there’s some truth to the Genghis Khan lore) and 1% Persian. Conversely, 23andMe marked me as 30% Anatolian (aka Turkish), 3% Uzbek, and 0.5% South Chinese. Ancestry didn’t list any Anatolian at all, even though that’s supposedly where my family originally comes from. The Central Asian part does make sense, given that Turks migrated from there before settling in present-day Turkey.
So yeah, either way, I’m apparently majority European, yet somehow I have the strongest Asian features in my entire family—even more than my dad. Go figure!