Play this week's Lunar New Year Connection Checkers Game!

+36 votes

Year of the Snake on WikiTree新年快乐! 恭喜发财! (Happy new year! We wish you good fortune!)

January 29 marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year.  Specifically, this is a Year of the Wood Snake in Chinese celebrations.

We're looking at notables born in snake years in this week's Connection Checkers game. To play, first see which of these serpents is your closest family connection: 

Second, attempt to verify your connection to one of them. In seven days (February 4), three players will be declared the winners and entered in the Connection Checkers Hall of Fame:

  1. The player who has the shortest verified path to one of the connections.
  2. The player who has the longest verified path to one of the connections.
  3. The player who verifies the most individual connection steps for themselves and by helping others. [current scores]

Please join us, even if you don't know where to begin. Start by simply posting an answer below saying which connection you'll try to verify. Then post updates as comments on your answer. If you get stuck, ask a question and others may be able to help. [more information]

P.S. Help us with our Super Bowl Half-Time feature for next week.

in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (830k points)
edited by Eowyn Langholf

Here are the winners for last week's Australia Connection Checkers Game:

  1. Shortest path verified: Mary-Ann Cook   to  Andrew Barton (Banjo) Paterson CBE (11 Steps)
  2. Longest path verified:  Kari (Nilsen) Undbekken to Cathy Freeman OAM   (36 Steps)
  3. Most steps verified:  Kari (Nilsen) Undbekken (48 Steps)

26 Answers

+19 votes
by Jean Paradis G2G6 Mach 7 (77.2k points)

Here is a 29 degree Verified path from me to Isabelle Huppert, a very long journey from Maine to Massachusetts to Albany to Manhattan to Paris, and all around France. The mother of #15 (not directly in the path) was a WWII notable resistance member, worth checking out. *Number 11 has only secondary source. 

0: Jean Hannaford

1: ↑ Lois Wilson (her mother) V

2: ↑ Howard Wilson (her father) V

3: ↑ Lester Wilson (his father) V

4: ↑ Grace Pendleton (his mother) V

5: ↑ Grace Drinkwater (her mother) V

6: ↑ Zenas Drinkwater (her father) V

7: ↔ William Drinkwater (his brother) V

8: ↓ Eliza Drinkwater (his daughter) V

9: = Eben French (her husband) V

10: ↑ Hezekiah French (his father) V

11: ↔ Abel French (his brother) V*

12: ↓ Abel French (his son) V

13: ↓ Virginia French (his daughter) V

14: ↓ Jean Suzannet (her son) V

15: ↓ Sibylle Suzannet (his daughter) V

16: = Michel Ariès (her husband) V

17: ↑ Christian Ariès (his father) V

18: ↑ Joseph Emmanuel André Ariès (his father) V

19: ↑ Malvina Massenet (his mother) V

20: ↑ Louis Auguste Massenet (her father) V

21: ↔ Jules Massenet (his brother) V *Notable*

22: ↓ Juliette Massenet (his daughter) V

23: ↓ Marie Magdeleine Alloend-Bessand (her daughter) V

24: ↓ Alexis Failliot (her son) V

25: = Françoise Bournisien (his wife) V

26: ↑ Julie Bertrand (her mother) V

27: ↔ Marie Clémence Sophie Bertrand (her sister) V

28: ↓ Annick Beau (her daughter) V

29: ↓ Isabelle Huppert (her daughter)


+19 votes
I'll try June Cash first.

15 degrees from June Cash
21 degrees from Tim Horton
22 degrees from Audrey Hepburn
25 degrees from Bob Dylan
26 degrees from Michael D. Higgins
26 degrees from Thelonious Monk
28 degrees from Greta Garbo
28 degrees from Miyoshi Umeki
28 degrees from 有光 周
29 degrees from Anne Frank
29 degrees from JK Rowling
34 degrees from Isabelle Huppert
by Steve Hatchett G2G6 Mach 5 (57.4k points)
There was an error in this line. Phoebe Hatchett was connected to James Foster, but she was actually married to James' brother John Foster. After disconnecting that, I discovered that there was a duplicate Phoebe profile connected to John. So I've initiated a merge, and the actual connection in wikitree won't reflect the correct line until that merge happens. I also added sources to back that all up, so this is all verified.

0. June Carter
1. Carl Smith (her husband)
2. Dock Smith (his father)
3. Louisa Cox (his mother)
4. Roxanna Foster (her mother)
5. Josiah Foster (her father)
6. John Foster (his brother)
7. Phoebe Hatchett (his wife)
8. Thomas Hatchett (her father)
9. William Hatchett (his brother)
10. Thomas Hatchett (his son) [DNA]
11. Marion Hatchett (his son) [DNA]
12. John Hatchett (his son) [DNA]
13. Julius Hatchett (his son) [DNA]
14. George Hatchett (his son) [DNA]
15. me (his son)  [DNA]
Verified to Audrey Hepburn. Even though it's a long connection, it was interesting that almost every profile in the line had a profile photo.

0. Audrey Ruston (Audrey Hepburn)
1. Ella Heemstra (her mother)
2. Aarnoud Heemstra (her father)
3. Wilhelmina Cornelia de Beaufort (his mother)
4. Margaretha Laurentia de Beaufort (her sister)
5. Pim van Boetzelaer (her son)
6. Ethel Carver Litchfield (his wife)
7. Lawrence Litchfield (her brother)
8. Alice Sailer (his wife)
9. Mary Strawbridge (her mother)
10. George Strawbridge (her father)
11. George Strawbridge (his father)
12. Ann Strawbridge (his sister)
13. William Kent (her husband)
14. Elizabeth Kent (his sister)
15. Robert Sayre (her son)
16. Ruth Sayre (his daughter)
17. Robert Linderman (her husband)
18. Garrett Linderman (his brother)
19. Stuart Linderman (his son)
20. [private] (his child)
21. [private] (their child)
22. me (their spouse)
+20 votes
l am 24 degrees from June Cash (my 27th cousins).

25 degrees from Audrey Hepburn.

26 degrees from Tim Horton (my 27th cousins twice removed).

29 degrees from JK Rowling.

30 degrees from Anne Frank.

30 degrees from Greta Garbo (my 22nd cousins twice removed).

30 degrees from Miyoshi Umeki.

31 degrees from Isabella Huppert.

31 degrees from Bob Dyland.

31 degrees from Michael D Higgins.

32 degrees from Thelonious Monk.

33 degrees from Zhou Youguang.
by Kari Undbekken G2G6 Pilot (106k points)
First l vwant to confirm my 24 degrees connection from June Cash.

0. Valerie June (Carter) Cash (1929 - 2003) (my 27th cousins).

1.her mother: Maubelle (Addington) Carter (1909 - 1978) (my 26th cousins once removed).

2. her mother: Margaret Elisabeth (Kilgore) Addington (1879 - 1960) (my 26th cousins once removed).

3. her father: William Arnett Kilgore (1841 - 1882).

4. his mother: Elisabeth (Allen) Kilgore (1819 - 1899).

5. her father: William Allen (1794 - aft.1860).

6. his brother: Thomas Seignor Allen Sr. (1790 - 1841).

7. his son: Thomas Seignor Allen Jr. (1820 - 1902).

8. his son: James Thomas Alles (1858 - 1934).

9. his wife: Marta Isabella (Dickson) Allen (1860 - 1944).

10. her father: Joseph Daniel Dickson (1806 - 1882).

11. his mother: Mary (McKisick) Dickson (1799 - 1853).

12. her brother: Wilson Harmon McKisick  (1794 - 1852).

13. his son: Lewis David McKisick (1830 - 1903).

14. his daughter: Madeline Smythe (McKisick) Evans (1878 - 1942) (my 23rd cousins).

15. her husband: Peter Sather Bruguiere (1875 - 1967) (my third cousins twice removed).

16. his mother: Josephine Frederikke Sather (1845 - 1915) (my second cousins three times removed).

17. her father: Peder (Pedersen) Sather (1810 - 1886) (my first cousins four times removed).

18. his father: Peder Larsen Sæter (1768 - 1817) (l am his third great grand niece).

19. his brother: Lars Larsen (Sæter) Vettal (1774 - 1840) (my third great grandfather ).

20. his daughter: Anne Larsdatter (Vettal) 1799 -1875) (my second great grandmother).

21. her son: Anton Gunerius Gulbrandsen (my great grandfather).

22. his daughter: Thea (my grandmother).

23. her son: Odd (my father).

24. his daughter:  Me  -  Kari (Nilsen.785) U.
#               #                #                #                 #                  #

Then of course l will verify my 30 degrees connection to Greta Garbo.

0. Greta Lovisa (Gustafsson) Garbo (1905 - 1990) (my 22nd cousins twice Removed).

1. her father: Karl Alfred Gustafsson (1871 - 1920) (my 21st  cousins three times removed).

2. his father: Johan Agaton Gustafsson (1846 - 1922) (my 20th cousins four times removed).

3. his father: Gustav Adolf Gustafsson (1804 - 1849) (my 19th cousins five times removed).

4. his father: Carl Gustav Fredriksson (1774 - 1832) (my 18th cousins 6 times removed).

5. his father: Fredrik Jonsson (1731 - 1809) (my 17th cousins 7 times removed).

6. his mother: Maria Katarina Ahlfort (1702 - 1781) (my 16th cousins 8 times removed).

7. her mother: Maria Sofia (Gyllenståhl) Ahlfort (1863 - 1753) (my 15th cousins 9 times removed).

8. her father: Gabriel Gyllenståhl (ca.1640 - 1705).

9. his wife: Catarina Cronhielm (1674 - 1731).

10. her brother: Salomon Cronhielm (1666 - 1724).

11. his daughter: Beate Cronhielm (1700 - 1728).

12. her husband: Charles Emil Levenhaupt (1691 - 1743) (my 13th cousins 7 times removed).

13. his mother: Amalia Vilhelmine von Königsmarck (1663 - 1740) (my 13th cousins 10 times removed).

14. her sister: (Countess) Maria Aurora Königsmarck (1662 - 1728) (my 13th cousins 10 times removed).

15. her son: Herman Moritz (Maurice) de Saxe (von Sachsen) (1696 - 1750) (my 14th cousins 9 times removed).

16. his father: Frederich August  J.M.A.J.N.A.X. Wellin von Sachsen (my 13th cousins 10 times removed).

17. his mother: Anna Sophie (Oldenburg) of Danmark (1647 - 1717) ( my 12th cousins 11 times removed).

18. her brother: Ulrik Frederik  Gyldenløve (1638 - 1704) (my 12th cousins 11 times removed).

19. his son: Wilhelm Ulriksøn von Ulrichsdal (1692 - 1725) (my 13th cousins 10 times removed).

20. his daughter: Maria Elisabeth (Vilhelmsdatter) Von Ulrichsdal (1725 - 1765) (my 14th cousins 9 times removed).

21. her daughter: Susanne Marie (Joachimsdatter) Vagel (1748 - 1820) (my 15th cousins 8 times removed).

22. her daughter: Hedevig Marie Elisabeth (Joachimsdatter) Wessel (1773 - 1816) (my 16th cousins 7 times removed).

23. her son: Nils Joachim Wessel-Berg (1807 - 1868) (my 17th cousins 6 times removed).

24. his son: Cristian August Wessel-Berg (1841 - 1916) (my 18th cousins five times removed).

25. his son: Nils Joachim Wessel-Berg (1879 - 1865) (my 6th cousins three times removed).

26. his son: Sven Wessel-Berg (1938 - 2007) (my fourth cousins once removed).

27. his wife: Laila (Hovin) Wessel-Berg (my first cousins), she is the fourth cousins of her husband.

28. her mother: Borghild Marie  (my aunt).

29. her (Twin) sister: Karen Solveig (my mother).

30 her daughter: Me  -  Kari (Nilsen-785) U.
#               #                #                 #                #               #

Then i will verify my 31 Degrees from the Chinese Zhou Youguang.

0. Zhou Youguang (1906 - 2017).

1. his wife: Zhang Yunhe (1909 - 2002).

3. her sister: Chang (Chung - Ho) Frankel (1914 - 2015).

3. her husband: Hans Herman Fränkel(1916 - 2003).

4. his sister: Edith Johanne Fränkel (1920 - 2000).

5. her husband: Grosvenor William Cooper (1911 - 1979).

6. his mother: Mary Henrietta (Grosvenor) Cooper (1872 - 1919).

7. her mother: Thirza A (Cook) Grosvenor (1839 - 1896).

8. her father: Orange Montgomery Cook (1818 - 1876).

9. his father: Salmon Nixon Cooke (1783 - 1823).

10. his father: Silas Cooke (1740 - ).

11. his father: Robert Cooke (1714 - 1754).

12. his sister: Marcy (Cooke) Hodges (1718 - 1800).

13. her husband: Edmund Hodges (1709 - 1777).

14. his sister: Anna (Hodges) Ware (1705 - 1755).

15. her son:George Ware Sr. (1734 - 1771) (my 22nd cousins 6 times removed).

16. his sister: Mary (Ware) Eddy (1727 - 1815) (my 22nd cousins 6 times removed).

17. her son: Ibrook Eddy (1754 - 1833) (my 23rd cousins 5 times removed).

18. his son: Eleazer Eddy (1789 - 1826) (my 25th cousins twice removed).

19. his son: Edwin Eddy (1817 - 1891) (my 26th cousins once removed).

20. his daughter: Nancy Melvina (Eddy) Dorr (1842 - 1917) (my 27th cousins).

21. her daughter: Anne Celina (Dorr) Penoyer (1878 - 1945) (my 25th cousins twice removed).

22. her husband: Louis Sather Bruguiere (1882 - 1954) (my third cousins twice removed).

23. his mother: Josephine Frederikke Sather (1845 - 1915) (my second cousins three times removed).

24. her father: Peder (Pedersen) Sather (1810 - 1886) (my first cousins four times removed).

25. his father: Peder (Larsen) Sæter (1768 - 1817) (l am his tird great grand niece).

26. his brother: Lars Larsen (Sæter) Vettal (1774 - 1840) (my third great grandfather).

27. his daughter: Anne Larsdatter (Vettal) 1799 - 1875) (my second great grandmother).

28. her son: Anton Gunerius Gulbrandsen (my great grandfather).

29. his daughter: Thea (my grandmother).

30. her son: Odd (my father).

31. his daughter:  Me     -   Kari (Nilsen-785) U.
#                #                #                #                  #                #

Finally l want to verify my longest connection this week - my 32 Degrees from Thelonious Sphere Monk.

0. Thelonious Sphere Monk (1917 - 1982).

1. his father: Thelonious Monk (1883 - 1963).

2. his mother: Sarah (Williams) Monk (ca.1857 - 1927).

3. her brother: Friday Williams Jr. (1865 - ).

4. his daughter: Drucilla (Williams) Horne (1903 - ).

5. her husband: Douglas Horne (1903 - ).

6. his mother: Rebecca Robinson (1868 - 1940).

7. her sister: Patience (Robinson) Troup (1842 - 1923).

8. her husband: Ancil Troup (1832 - 1929) (my 24th cousins three times removed).

9. his father: George Michael Mclntosh Troup (1780 - 1856) (my 23rd cousins four times removed).

10. his brother: James McGilveray Troup (1786 - 1849) (my 23rd cousins four times removed).

11. his daughter: Hannah Heyward (Troup) Morris (1831 - 1854) (my 24th cousins three times removed).

12. her husband: Charles Manigault Morris (1820 - 1895) (my 23rd cousins four times removed).

13. his father: Lewis Morris Jr. (1785 - 1863) (my 25th cousins three times removed).

14. his father; Lewis Morris (1754 - 1824) (my 24th cousins four times removed).

15. his brother: Jacob Morris (1755 - 1844) (my 24th cousins four times removed).

16. his daughter: Sarah Sabina (Morris) Kean (1788 - 1875) (my 25th cousins three times removed).

17. her son: John Kean (1814 - 1895) (my 24th cousins three times removed).

18. his son: Hamilton Fish Kean (1862 - 1941) (my 24th cousins four times removed).

19. his son: Robert Winthrop Kean (1893 - 1980) (my 24th cousins three times removed).

20. his wife: Elisabeth Stuyvesant (Howard) Kean (1897 - 1988).

21. her mother: Rose Anthony (Post) Howard (1864 - 1949).

22. her sister: Margaret Louise (Post) Bruguiere (1876 - 1969).

23. her husband: Louis Sather Bruguiere (1882 - 1952) (my third cousins twice removed).

24. his mother: Josephine Frederikke Sather (1845 - 1915) (my second cousins three times removed).

25. her father: Peder (Pedersen) Sather (1810 - 1886) (my first cousins four times removed).

26. his father: Peder Larsen Sæter (1768 - 1817) (l am his third great grand niece).

27. his brother: Lars Larsen (Sæter) Vettal (1774 - 1840) (my third great grandfather).

28. his daughter: Anne Larsdatter (Vettal) (1799 -1875) (my second great grandmother).

29. her son: Anton Gunerius Gulbrandsen (my great grandfather).

30. his daughter: Thea (my grandmother).

31. her son: Odd (my father).

32. his daughter:  Me  -   Kari (Nilsen-785) U.
+16 votes
This week I am 17º from June Carter Cash and 30º from Anne Frank.  I am of Dutch descent though, so I bet if I had that work all done I'd be much closer.

Updt: I am 57º from my 25C4R, Greta Garbo.  Wow,  that's a long one!

Updt:  No connection to June.  There seems to be confusion between two women named Anna Doty.  I may try Garbo, if I have time this week.
by Lyn Young G2G6 Mach 5 (57.8k points)
edited by Lyn Young
+18 votes

16° June Carter Cash (possible 10th cousin)
20° Tim Horton
25° Audrey Hepburn
25° Bob Dylan
25° Thelonious Monk
26° Michael D. Higgins
27° Zhou Youguang
29° Miyoshi Umeki
30° Greta Garbo
31° Anne Frank
34° Isabelle Huppert

Will try and and verify direct connection to June Carter Cash and get her added to my family trees. Ironically, she would be related on my maternal side while Johnny Cash is a cousin on my paternal side.

Took the long way around bringing June Cash to 31° to verify her relationship to me.

0. June Carter
1. Maybelle Addington - her mother
2. Hugh Addington- her father
3. David Addington - his father
4. Charles Addington - his father
5. Margaret Cromwell - his mother
6. Chloe Kelley - her mother
7. Elizabeth Gorsuch - her mother
8. Thomas Gorsuch - her father
9. Charles Gorsuch- his father
10.  Anne Lovelace - his mother
11. William Lovelace - her father
12. Elizabeth Aucher- his mother
13. Mabel Wroth - her mother
14. Mary Rich - her mother
15. Elizabeth Jenkes - her mother
16. Thomas Rich - her father
17. Thomas Rich - his father
18. Susan Rich - his daughter
19. Lancelot Bathurst - her son
20. Susannah Bathurst - his daughter
21. Jane Stith - her daughter
22.  John Hardaway - her son
23. Thomas Hardaway - his son
24. Mary Hardaway - his daughter
25. Jemena Powell - her daughter
26. William Collier - her son
27. Vines Collier - his son
28. Ottis Collier - his son
29. Harry Collier - his son/my grandfather
30. Carol Collier - his daughter/my mother
31. Debra Adams - her daughter/me

Not often I get a new family member on my mother's side. My paternal grandmother seems to make up the bulk of my direct connections. 

by Debra Akin G2G6 Mach 5 (54.6k points)
edited by Debra Akin
+16 votes
Gong Hay Fat Choy!

Mostly distant this week:

17    1929: June Carter Cash [Sarah Yocum Holladay; I have her mother as Mary]
18    1930: Tim Horton [laura Franklin]
24    1929: Audrey Hepburn [Ann Jarret Lykins]
25    1906: 耀平 周 (Zhou Youguang) [George Boone]
26    1917: Thelonious Monk [James Stanley]
26    1941: Bob Dylan [Patience Randall]
26    1941: Michael D. Higgins [Thankful Maxson Barber]
28    1929: 美代志 (Miyoshi Umeki) [Mercy Pickering]
28    1965: JK Rowling [Chloe Hill Rudd]
29    1905: Greta Garbo [Samuel Hesselius]
30    1929: Anne Frank [Martha Bryan Boone]
34    1953: Isabelle Huppert [Jane Emmons Knap]
by P J Evans G2G6 Mach 4 (42.3k points)
edited by P J Evans
+16 votes

16 degrees from June (Carter) Cash. 9C1XsR.

20 degrees from Tim Horton. 10C.

20 degrees from Thelonious Monk.

23 degrees from Bob Dylan.

23 degrees from Audrey Hepburn.

23 degrees Michael D. Higgins.

24 degrees from Zhou Chou.

26 degrees from JK Rowling.

28 degrees from Miyoshi Umeki.

29 degrees from Anne Frank.

29 degrees from Greta Garbo. 25C3XsR.

33 degrees from Isabelle Huppert.

by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (168k points)
0. June Carter

1. Carl Smith (her husband)

2. Dock Smith (his father)

3. Louisa Cox (his mother)

4. Coleman Cox (her father)

5. Samuel Cox (his father)

6. Dorcus Cox (his sister0

7. Richard Condra (her busband)

8. Prudence Condra (his sister)

9. Archibald Blankenship (her husband)

10. Hezekiah Blankenship (his brother)

11. Josiah Blankenship (his son)

12. Richard Blankenship (his son)

13. James Blankenship (his son)

14.Carl Blankenship (his son)

15. Marvin Blankenship (his son)

16 Frank Blankenship (his son)
+15 votes
I am most closely connected to June Cash at 22 degrees. I will verify what I can.
by Samantha Thomson G2G6 Pilot (297k points)
+18 votes
Here are my potential connections:
I'm going to check on June Cash she looks promissing

24 degrees from Bob Dylan,
15 degrees from June Cash,
29 degrees from Anne Frank,
29 degrees from Greta Garbo,
21 degrees from Audrey Hepburn,
28 degrees from Michael D. Higgins,
21 degrees from Tim Horton,
33 degrees from Isabelle Huppert,
25 degrees from Thelonious Monk,
28 degrees from JK Rowling,
27 degrees from Miyoshi Umeki and
27 degrees from 有光 周.
by Sonia Roberts G2G6 Mach 1 (10.5k points)

Well that didn't go well trying to verify June Carter but I did figure out how to do the Connection Checkers scoring.. 1st few not quite right..  but I think I got it now :)

0: June Carter
1: ↑ Maybelle Addington (her mother)
2: ↑ Hugh Addington (her father)
3: ↑ David Addington (his father)
4: ↑ Sarah Butcher (his mother) {can't verify father}
5: ↑ Jacob Butcher (her father) {can't verify father}
6: ↑ William Butcher (his father) {can't verify sister}
7: ↔ Anna Metzger (his sister) {can't verify dau.}
8: ↓ Catherine Grubb (her daughter) {can't verify mother}
9: ↓ Jacob Clayman (her son)
10: ↓ Parmelia Clayman (his daughter)
11: ↓ Nancy Snodgrass (her daughter)
12: ↓ Suda Stafford (her daughter)
13: ↓ Adelia Mayton (her daughter)
14: ↓ Wanda Minton (her daughter)
15: ↓ Sonia Nance (her daughter)

+15 votes
Gonna to try a couple this week.  Do we post the sources?                     21 degrees from Tim Horton                                                 23 degrees from June Carter                                                    24 degrees from Bob Dylan                                                25 degrees from Audrey Hepburn                                              29 degrees from Michael Higgins                                          29 degrees from JK Rowling                               31 degrees from Greta Garbo                                                31 degrees from Thelonious Monk                                        31 degrees from Zhou Youguang                                          32 degrees from Anne Frank                                                 32 degrees from Myoshi Uemki                                              34 degrees from Isabella Huppert
by Fairlee Tonery G2G6 Mach 2 (25.5k points)
Not here.  When you verify the connection, go under "Edit" on the person's profile and see if the parent(s) are marked "confident" over on the right-hand side of the screen.  If they are already marked confident, there's nothing more to do there.  Move to the next person in the chain.  If the parent(s) are not marked confident though, add sources as needed to prove that they are correct and mark the parent(s) confident by clicking on that radio button.  Then go down to where it says "save draft" and/or "full save: commit changes."  Note what you did and/or type in "connection checkers."  Then click the full save button.  The page will pop back to the main view and you'll see where to add what you did to your tally.
+13 votes

June Carter Cash - 15 degrees (12C1R)

Audrey Hepburn - 18 degrees (12C4R)

Tim Horton - 18 degrees (9C2R)

Greta Garbo - 20 degrees (132R)


Bob Dylan - 26 degrees

Michael Higgins - 25 degrees

JK Rowling - 27 degrees

Thelonious Monk - 28 degrees

Miyoshia Umeki - 28 degrees

Anne Frank - 29 degrees

Isabella Huppert - 30 degrees
by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
+15 votes

Ancestors and Cousins:

16 degrees - June Carter Cash - (13C)
21 degrees - Tim Horton - (19C, 1xR)
29 degrees - Greta Garbo - (22C, 4xR)


19 degrees -  耀平 周 (Zhou Youguang)
24 degrees - Bob Dylan
24 degrees - Audrey Hepburn
25 degrees - Thelonious Monk
28 degrees - Michael D. Higgins
28 degrees - 美代志 (Miyoshi Umeki)
29 degrees - J.K. Rowling
31 degrees - Anne Frank
33 degrees - Isabelle Huppert

by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (529k points)
Shonda, Tim Horton and I are 19C 1x removed also!!!
Awesome! You and I are 15th cousins, once removed.
+13 votes
June Carter and I are 13th cousins 2x removed. Tim Horton and I are 19th cousins 1x removed.
by Jacqueline Braddy G2G6 Mach 1 (15.0k points)
I can't find a place to put a reply (too many already), but at least I have found out which Chinese New Year it is.  Bendigo has a strong Chinese community, and a dragon, which is woken with proper ceremony every Easter.  My closest relative is Miyoki at 16 steps, (how?) through her European line, which leads through the Maskey's to Ferdinand Meurant, then through his daughter Emma to my wife.
Doug, go up to the top of this post and click on the black Answer this post button. That is where you leave your reply.
+15 votes

Here are my connections:

  • Bob Dylan 20 degrees
  • June Carter Cash 14 degrees & 7th cousin twice removed
  • Anne Frank 29 degrees
  • Greta Garbo 26 degrees and 25th cousins thrice removed
  • Audrey Hepburn 23 degrees
  • Michael D Higgins 26 degrees
  • Tim Horton 14 degrees and 11th cousins thrice removed
  • Isabelle Huppert 33 degrees
  • Thelonius Monk 25 degrees
  • JK Rowlings 27 degrees
  • Miyoshi Umeki 27 degrees
  • Zhou Youguang 23 degrees

by Judith Fry G2G6 Pilot (154k points)

My first verified is  (should be 13 steps not 14 steps)

     0.  June Carter Cash

  1. her mother Maybelle Addington
  2. her mother Margaret Kilgore
  3. her mother Nancy Addington
  4. her mother Nancy Easterling
  5. her sister Mary Easterling
  6. her husband Nimrod Elam (this step will now be skipped because I added Mary as mother to their daughter Nancy)
  7. their daughter Nancy Elam
  8. her son Samuel Burnett
  9. his wife Jemima Jones
  10. her father Isham Jones
  11. his brother Abraham Jones
  12. his son James Jones
  13. his son My Dad
  14. his daughter ME

My 2nd verified is:

     0.  Tim Horton

  1. his wife Delores Michalek
  2. her brother Bernard Michalek
  3. his wife living
  4. her father Joseph Newman
  5. his mother Stella Spencer
  6. her brother Frank Spencer
  7. his son Gene Spencer
  8. his wife Bonnie Smith
  9. her father Henderson Smith
  10. his mother Mary Jones
  11. her brother Abraham Jones
  12. his son James Jones
  13. his son My Dad
  14. his daughter ME

My 3rd verified is:

     0.  Bob Dylan

  1. his son Jacob Dylan
  2. his wife--living 
  3. her mother--living
  4. her mother Lucille Gerth
  5. her mother Anna Stolzenburg
  6. her brother Frederic Stolzenburg
  7. his wife Edna Caldwell
  8. her father Abraham Caldwell
  9. his brother David Caldwell
  10. his wife Fannie Johnson
  11. her father Luke Johnson
  12. his wife America Clark
  13. her brother John Clark
  14. his wife Belinda Burch
  15. her sister Emma Burch
  16. her husband John Shupe
  17. his mother Elizabeth Creager
  18. her father Michael Krieger
  19. his mother Barbara Lambert
  20. her brother Jacob Lambert
  21. his wife Nancy Hall
  22. her sister Catherine Hall
  23. her daughter Eliza Warren
  24. her son James Jones
  25. his son My Dad
  26. his daughter ME
+14 votes

15 degrees from June Carter Cash - 4 branches (6-2-4-4-) 7th cousin

18 degrees from Tim Horton - 1 branch (19) 8th cousin 1x removed

24 degrees from Bob Dylan - 5 branches (2-5-3-5-10)

24 degrees from Audrey Hepburn - 6 branches (3-4-4-4-5-5)

26 degrees from Michael D. Higgins - 5 branches (5-2-4-6-10)

27 degrees from Thelonius Monk - 5 branches (5-3-7-10-3)

27 degrees from JK Rowling - 6 branches (4-3-1-9-3-8)

27 degrees from Zhou Youguang - 9 branches (1-2-2-6-3-3-4-4-3)

29 degrees from Greta Garbo - 3 branches (12-13-5) 25th cousin 5x removed

30 degrees from Miyoshi Umeki - 4 branches (1-12-8-10)

31 degrees from Anne Frank - 7 branches (6-4-6-4-1-4-7)

33 degrees from Isabelle Huppert - 7 branches (5-7-1-5-4-5-7)

by Marcia Robinson G2G6 Mach 5 (51.6k points)

Year of the Snake:

Happy Lunar New Year! My connections are above listed!

+11 votes
Verified to  Audrey Hepburn, my 10c1r

0: Audrey Ruston
1: ↑ Ella Heemstra (her mother)
2: ↑ Elbrig van Asbeck (her mother)
3: ↑ Caroline van Hoogendorp (her mother)
4: ↑ Marianne Catharine van Hogendorp (her mother)
5: ↔ Willem Andreas van Hogendorp (her brother)
6: ↓ Cornelia Adriana Johanna van Hogendorp (his daughter)
7: ↓ Louis Gabriel James (her son)
8: = Gertrude Henriette Sijpkens (his wife)
9: ↔ Sijpko Haijo Sijpkens (her brother)
10: = Fredrika Geertruid Gerhardina Wijnveldt (his wife)
11: = Hendrikus Panhuijzen (her husband)
12: ↔ Johanna Hendrica Aleida Panhuijzen (his sister)
13: ↓ Louisa Amalia ten Hoor (her daughter)
14: ↓ Hendrik Jansen (her son)
15: ↓ Klaas Jansen (his son)
by Klaas Jansen G2G6 Pilot (116k points)
+12 votes
My connections:

19 degrees from Tim Horton
20 degrees from June Cash
22 degrees from Audrey Hepburn
27 degrees from Miyoshi Umeki
28 degrees from Bob Dylan
28 degrees from 耀平 周
30 degrees from Michael D. Higgins
31 degrees from Anne Frank
31 degrees from Thelonius Monk
32 degrees from Greta Garbo
32 degrees from JK Rowling
36 degrees from Isabelle Huppert
by Shaun Boyle G2G6 Mach 3 (38.1k points)
+11 votes
Cousins and Ancestors:

18 Degrees June Carter Cash, Carter-10370, 15c, 2r, Mrca(s) Marrow-3, Bunbury -167, her husband, John Cash, Cash-217, 17c, 1r, Mrca(s) Langton-88, Venables-32

18 Degrees Tim Horton, Horton-3616, 8c, 1r, One Branch (19), Mrca Meet-3

19 Degrees, June Carter Cash, Carter-10370 her husband Carl Smith, Smith-73389, 13c, Mrca(s) Tailboys-2, Tyrwhit-4

30 Degrees Greta Garbo, Gustafsson-535, 25c, 2r, Mrca(s) Billung-51, Flandre-14


22 Degrees Audrey Hepburn

25 Degrees JK Rowling

26 Degrees Bob Dylan

27 Degrees Thelonious Monk

27 Degrees Zhou Youguang

28 Degrees Miyoshi Umeki

29 Degrees Michael D. Higgins

30 Degrees Anne Frank

32 Degrees Isabelle Huppert
by Mildred Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (116k points)
edited by Mildred Wheeler
+14 votes

June Cash and Carol Lynn are 6th cousins twice removed

Valerie June (Carter) Cash (1929-2003) and Carol Lynn Napora are both descendants of Hannah (Thornton) Freeman (1729-1778).

1. Valerie June is the daughter of Maybelle (Addington) Carter (1909-1978) [confident]
2. Maybelle is the daughter of Hugh Jackson Addington (1877-1929) [confident]
3. Hugh is the son of David Jesse Addington (1846-1928) [confident]
4. David is the son of Sarah (Butcher) Addington (1810-1868) [confident]
5. Sarah is the daughter of Hannah (Beverly) Butcher (1795-abt.1820) [confident]
6. Hannah is the daughter of Mary (Freeman) Beverly (abt.1767-abt.1841) [confident]
7. Mary is the daughter of Hannah (Thornton) Freeman (1729-1778) [confident]
This makes Hannah the fifth great grandmother of Valerie June.

1. Carol Lynn is the daughter of Joe Fred Tinch Jr (1946-1995) DNA confirmed
2. Joe is the son of Lillian Frances Ramsey (1922-1998) DNA confirmed
3. Lillian is the daughter of Oscar Ramsey (1896-1972) DNA confirmed
4. Oscar is the son of Harvey Abraham Ramsey (1861-1938) DNA confirmed
5. Harvey is the son of Henry Ramsey (abt.1832-abt.1899) DNA confirmed
6. Henry is the son of William Ramsey (1810-1852) [unknown confidence]
7. William is the son of Daniel Carl Ramsey (1785-1855) [unknown confidence]
8. Daniel is the son of Abigail (Freeman) Ramsey (1763-) [unknown confidence]
9. Abigail is the daughter of Hannah (Thornton) Freeman (1729-1778) [unknown confidence]
This makes Hannah the seventh great grandmother of Carol Lynn.

Year of the Snake:

by Carol Lynn Napora G2G6 Mach 4 (41.4k points)
+14 votes

I too was born in the year of the snake!  It looks as though the closest person related to me that is spotlighted in this week's Connection Checkers Challenge is June Carter Cash.  I am:

14 degrees from June Carter Cash through her paternal side and my paternal side.  Also June and I are 9th cousins through her maternal side and my maternal side.

14 Degrees

  •   Valerie June (Carter) Cash
  •   Era Carter (her father)
  • 2    Robert Carter (his father)
  • 3    Nancy Carter (his mother)
  •   Dulaney Carter (her father)
  •   Williamson Carter (his father)
  •   Delilah Carter (his sister)
  • 7    Ellender Johnson (her daughter)
  •    Abijah Caudill (her son)
  • 9     Elizabeth A. Slone (his wife) (paternal 2x great aunt)
  • 10   Isom Slone (her brother) (paternal 2x great grandpa)
  • 11    Allen Slone (his son) (my paternal great grandpa)
  • 12   Arizona Slone (his daughter) (my paternal grandma)
  • 13   Foster Canada (her son) (my father)
  • 14    Darlene (Canada) Noble (Me) 

9th cousins

Valerie June Carter Cash and Darlene Canada Noble are both descendants of Mary (Browne) Compton

  • Valerie June is the daughter of Maybelle (Addington) Carter
  • Maybelle is the daughter of Hugh Jackson Addington
  • Hugh is the son of Mary R. Louemma (McConnell) Addington
  • Mary is the daughter of Henry Morris McConnell
  • Henry is the son of Mary Polly Compton
  • Mary is the daughter of Abraham Compton (1772-1856)
  • Abraham is the son of Abraham Compton (Abt.1735 -1779)
  • Abraham is the son of Isselstyne Compton
  • Isselstyne is the son of Richard Compton
  • Richard is the son of Mary (Browne) Compton

Mary is the 8th great grandmother of Valerie June

  • Darlene is the daughter of (private mother) (mother still living)
  • My Mom is the daughter of John Marion Newcomb
  •  (1911-1965) (dates re: my grandpa John Marion Newcomb
  • John (1911-1965) is the son of John M. Newcomb (1877-)
  • John M. (1877-) is the son Abraham Newcomb
  • Abraham is the son of Cyrenius Lawrence Newcomb
  • Cyrenius is the son of Jane VanVleck Newcomb
  • Jane is the daughter of Catherine (Compton) VanVleck
  • Catherine is the daughter of William Compton
  • William is the son of Cornelius Compton
  • Cornelius is the son of Mary (Browne) Compton

Mary is the 8th great grandmother of Darlene

  • 23 degrees from Bob Dylan
  • 29 degrees from Anne Frank
  • 27 degrees from Greta Garbo
  • 23 degrees from Audrey Hepburn
  • 27 degrees from Michael D. Higgins
  • 19 degrees from Tim Horton
  • 32 degrees from Isabelle Huppert
  • 27 degrees from Thelonius Monk
  • 26 degrees from J K Rowling
  • 28 degrees from Miyoshi Umeki
  • 25 degrees from Zhou Youguang

I will try to find the time to work on the other ones spotlighted in this week's challenge.  

by Darlene Noble G2G4 (4.2k points)
edited by Darlene Noble

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