Have you signed the Honor Code?

+5 votes


You can now digitally sign the Wiki Genealogist Honor Code.

Be among the first to see your John Hancock appear.


in Genealogy Help by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
I can't work out what the gfx on the badge are ?
by Wombat Allen G2G6 Mach 2 (25.7k points)
Thomas MacEntee said the same thing. :-) It's *supposed* to be embossed copper. And there's a little hand holding a pen. Maybe we'll need to re-do the badge.
I did a "view image" and enlarged it.  Then I could see what it was.  I couldn't tell at first, either.
Hmmm. So you mean the hand?

Does the embossing of the letters make sense? Do they look raised?

We're going to do other badges soon, so having a repeatable style would make sense. We already have the Club 100 and Club 1,000 badges, which are in a completely different style, but maybe that doesn't matter.
Maybe its a matter of screen resolution. I can see it well on my screen.

I don't think the  style of the badges matters, I assume eventual groupings, and different styles would group together.
Yes, I couldn't tell what the hand was at first glance.  As Tom mentioned, resolution may have something to do with it.  I'm running 1600x900 on a 17" laptop screen.  Some graphics can look pretty small in that resolution/screen size.  Also my superb eyesight is something I can only reminisce about these days.  :-)
Chris, I think the issue is that as a line drawing you can't tell "inside the object" from "outside the object" at this size, so I'd recommend going for a filled shape drawing like a cartoon - maybe something like this... http://www.wikitree.com/photo/Allen-6100.jpg
I'm no artist but I think this illustrates the point.
Thanks, Wombat.
The badge image has been changed: http://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:Badges&b=genealogist

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