Regarding Jesse Crews ...
I found a new probate record that listed the surviving issue of Jesse Crews and Amy I have updated the children on their profile. There is a new daughter named Charity that nothing is known of...I am hoping the CREWS researchers out there will add what they know!
Thank you for updating the children on Jesse's profile. Unfortunately, "Charity" is not a new daughter of Jesse. It's difficult to read, but "Charity" on the record is "Charles".
There is an earlier court record in 1823 in which Jesse's heirs are easier to read:
This record identifies Jesse's children as: Edward, Jesse, Anna (Amy), Rachel, Elizabeth, Stanley, Charles, David, and Polly.
Also note that David and Polly are deceased by 1823. Anna (Amy) is deceased by 1837.
You’re welcome!
Here are two links:
1823: ”Polly Stanly dead heirs unknown”:
1837: “Amy Gray, dec[ease]d formerly Amy Crews”:
These links are from the probate court proceedings posted on Jesse’s Wikitree profile.