Having trouble reading German parish record, is there anyone would mind helping?

+5 votes
Although I have tried to learn to read German script through videos online, I think the variation in handwriting is proving to be challenging.

I'm wondering if someone could help me reading this record, the number in the far left column is 49. I would particularly like to find the parents names (not sure if the correct parents are currently attached to profile). I'm not sure how to attach a picture of the record, but this is the Archion link.

Baden-Württemberg > Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart > Dekanat Weinsberg > Maienfels > Taufregister 1821-1846 Band 3, Bild 170

Also, I think there is a chance it corresponds to this record on family search, if so, it would just be confirming the parents names, or anything else that might stand out as consistent/ non-consistent
"Deutschland Geburten und Taufen, 1558-1898", , FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NVVQ-GNL : 24 October 2021), Franziske Katharine Eichele, 1835.

Any help is much appreciated!
WikiTree profile: Francesca Hoffmann
in Genealogy Help by Eden Thomsen G2G3 (3.6k points)
edited by Eden Thomsen

1 Answer

+7 votes
Best answer

Hi Eden,

German handwriting is hard to read, but with practice, you'll get better at it over time. Here's a transcription of this record:

Zahl: 49

Namen des Kindes: Franziske Katharine Eichele

Eltern: Leonhard David Eichele, Bürger u[nd] Taglöhner in Brettach. Anna Regina g[eborene] Kolb von Untersteinbach

Ort u[nd] Zeit der Geburt: Brettach [Samstag] 21 Aug[ust] Nachts 10 1/2 Uhr

Ort u[nd] Zeit der Taufe: Maienfels [Freitag] 28 Aug[ust] V[or]M[ittags] 10 Uhr

Wer die Taufhandlung verrichtete: Pfarrer Binder

Taufzeugen: 1. Jakobine Thier, von Büchelberg. 2. Michael Karl Eßlinger, Bürger u[nd] Mühlarzt in Brettach. 3. Michael Kolb, Zainenmacher von Untersteinbach. 4. Johann Georg Röger von Brettach.

Seitenzahl des Fam[ilien-]R[egisters]: Brettach 72.

Do you need a translation, too?

by L. König G2G6 Mach 7 (70.3k points)
selected by Heike Blumreiter
I'm a little confused over the days of the week. The symbol next to the birth date means Saturday, but August 21, 1835 was a Friday, and next to the baptism date is what looks like a combination of the symbols for Tuesday and Friday, along with a combination of the number 25 (Tuesday) and 28 (Friday) - looks like the pastor made a few mistakes here... I hope somenone else could look over that and correct me.
Thank you very much! That is so very helpful. I think it's ok without the translation :)

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