why doesn't my complete tree download?

0 votes
when I downloaded a gedcom of my tree it had alot of ancestors missing on one side, and missed about 15 generations on another side.

is there a size limit to what gets downloaded?

I find it easier to keep a backup tree on pc to add names before verifying and putting them on Wikitree and needed to update what I have but over 200 names were missing.
in Genealogy Help by Living Gilfoyle G2G2 (2.6k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi Steve,

They're definitely in your Watchlist, not just your family tree, right? If you give me some examples of profiles on your Watchlist (WikiTree ID) I can try to export a file as you and see what might have gone wrong.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Living Gilfoyle
I looked at Steve's Gilfoyles a bit and noticed that some are unconnected.  That is, they show no parents, spouses, children; so they wouldn't be connected to anyone in a tree.  I thought this might be part of the problem but wasn't sure.
thanks for your offer chris but I've found out that the 3 programs I tried for my pc weren't capable of doing a thorough job. I tried again using myheritage and it found all names I have here, but unfortunately I won't be sticking with that site as some of the features need a subscription to their site. I'll have to search the net for a better free downloadable program to store and sort my info.  I think Wikitree is a great site for family information and don't want to mess up a tree others could need by putting in a profile I haven't checked out at least twice from different sources.
Steve, try here: https://www.familysearch.org/products
I use Personal Ancestral file, mostly because I'm used to it and am too lazy to switch. :-)  But I've also downloaded Legacy Family Tree and it looks more comprehensive and has a more modern user interface.  Both are free.

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