I am the account manager and can no longer edit anyone's profile since wikitree appears not to find it.

+7 votes
in Genealogy Help by Richard Gamertsfelder G2G Crew (430 points)
Need more details Richard, a particular profile?
Michael said most everything there is to say.
One little obvious thing: Make sure you're logged in. :-)
One totally non-obvious thing: The new search index is updated once a day. If you add someone today, they'll appear in your Watchlist, surname indexes, etc. instantly. But they won't appear in search results until tomorrow morning. This helps us keep the search function zippy.

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Your data appears to be out there and fine.


New search features are also available, last name only or whole name, from boxes at the top of most pages in wikitree "full name" "surname" GO.

On the section above the biography make sure you have access profile manager or on trusted list if the page has a green privacy lock or higher.

From your home page you are listed as profile manager and most pages are or should be accessable to you. They have green lock. Only you or member on trusted list can edit them.
by Living Lechner G2G6 Mach 7 (71.4k points)
selected by Deborah Mayes
+5 votes
Another note, be sure you are trying to Edit from under the "Edit" tab at the top of a profile page for which you are manager and then be sure to SAVE before you move off that page.
by Tami Mize G2G6 Mach 4 (43.3k points)

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